Friday, February 28, 2020

Major themes in the one night @ the call center ( Assignment New literature)

Topic: Major Themes in the novel One Night at the Call Center

Name: Nasim .R. gaha

Roll No:20

Email id:

Enrollment no : 2069108420190014

Seam: 4

Submitted to Department of English MKUBU.

About Other

He was born in 1974 in New Delhi. chetan Bhagat studied at Army Public School, New Delhi, and went on to obtain his degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology IIT, Delhi. He also holds an MBA degree from the Indian Institute of Management IIM. After finishing his degrees, he start working in Hong Kong as an investment banker. chetan Bhagat has also received many awards such as the Publisher’s Recognition Award and Society Young Achiever’s Award In the year 2010, chetan Bhagat was listed among the World’s 100 Most Influential People by Time magazine. Four of his books have been adapted in films.

Major Themes in the novel One Night at the Call Center

Phone call from God:-

The phone call from God is one of the major theme in the novel. In this novel writer has presented God as a friendly figure rather than a boss. God is presented in a modern way and shown as speaking in modern modern rather than the stereo‐typical pure English or Latin that one commonl encounterGod saying.
In the novel each characters endure from their personal problems and when they are in difficult situation they get phone call from God. When they all go outside from call center at the night go to club.
After enjoying they coming back to the call center at that time their car Quails crashes into a construction site hanging over a mesh of iron construction road. They are unable to phone call for as there is no mobile phone network at that place. In that accidents shyam’s mobile phone starts up ringing. The phone call is from God. God talks with everyone and listen their problems and gives them suggestions and to improve in their life. The conversation with God motivates the characters to such an extent that they get ready to face their problems with ulmost determination and motivation. The story takes a dramatic and critical turn through a due ex machine when the characters receive a phone call from God.


In the novel One Night @ the Call Center writer introduces a young India and their problems like six characters, shyam, Radhika, Esha, Priyanka, Vroom, and Military uncle of the novel they facing problems because they working in the call center. Once they get call from God to solve problem and the novel also about to call to alarm to India to the young people within it.

“Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state’s decisions and actions”

Having had to suffer the country being screwed up by politicians for so years, the potential of the nation and its people is finally being allowed to flourish. In call center most of the people work in a night shift and get many calls from the America and solve their problems.

In the novel characters working in the call center and their bay’s name is “Western Appliances Strategic Group” or WASG. They deal with the customers of home appliances such as refrigerator, oven and vacuum cleaners. These strategic customers call a lot and are too difficult to figure out things. So they thinks that they dealing with on the lines from America and even bigger up the management pecking order.

When Vroom talks to God, Vroom says,

“I should not have taken up a job just for money. Call center pays more, but only because the exchange rate is in the favor Americans. They toss their loose change at us. It seems like a lot of rupees but jobs that pay less could be better there could be jobs that define me, make me learn or help my country Vroom’s ideas are very anti American so he says that,
“Americans suck the life blood out of our country’s most productive generation” The implication is that Indian too must develop a greater sense of itself and reject the easy path of playing second fiddle to the U. S.


Theme of marriage is also very important. First theme of the marriage is shows in Priyanka's character. She is living with her mother and her mother is very ambitious for her marriage with Ganesh. her Mother decided her marriage very earlier so that Priyanka doesn't like that.

Radhika is married but also working lady. But her mother in law does not like this and her husband also has another girlfriend.

Deus Ex Machine :-

This is a climax of the one night at the call center novel. Deus Ex Machina means " God From Machine". Here a writer has composed himself into a corner for moving ahead. After this novel all it brings a happy ending or a comic device for audience. Deus Ex Machina is used in this novel by chetan Bhagat when all characters met an accident and no any source are there to save their lives. At that time God call save them with many messages for life. After that they all restart their lives from God's advice of living life happily and They all tried a lot of solve their problems from their lives. So that happy ending is here from God.

“Deux ex machina is calque from Greek meaning “God

from the machina”
Deux ex machina is term which has evolved to mean a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and all of sudden resolved by the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, characters, ability and subject. It can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has “painted himself into a corner” and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience In same way Chetan Bhagat used deux ex machina in this novel. Where he finds that the all characters are in trouble situation he uses a call from God to resolve a plots.


One Night @ the Call Center deals with issues of young people, including questions about career, inadequacy, marriage, family conflicts in a changing India, and the relationship of the young Indian middle class to both executive and ordinary clients whom they serve in the United States.

In this novel Bhagat’s aim is to convey a message to the people of India from the situation of the characters like the harshness of the situation of women in India. Esha who wants to become a model for that she forced to slept with 40 years old designer and it represents the dark side of the India.

Throughout the novel Bhagat presents modernity like smoking is the contemporary metaphore of melancholic state of being depression, stress, feel bad. Bhagat also talks about the Indian family like the situation of Radhika in her in law’s house. Like on day she do house hold works and in night she works in call center.

Love :

heme of love is a major theme in one night at the call center novel.

1. Priyanka and Shayam : Earlier Priyanka and Shayam were in relationship but now Priyanka engaged with NRI boy named Ganesh, living in US.

2. Esha and Vroom : Here Esha wants to become a model , and on the base of it she slept with a designer for modeling contract. Another side Vroom loves her a lot but can not describe only because of her dream of modeling and desires.

3. Radhika : Radhika is a married girl , living with her mother-in-law. She also loves her husband too much but her husband also cheated her. He had one girl friend named Payal.

4. Military Uncle : Theme of love also shown in this characters. Military uncle loves his grandson very much who is living in abroad with his son. But His son ignored him a lot.


“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology” (Globalization)

The effect of Globalization also describe in the novel through the struggle of each character‘s life. The Globalization is an economical movement. The title of the novel itself tells about the effect of globalization in call center. Thee Novel is based on the working people in Call Centre.

In the call center every workers name are changed Varun Malhotra called as Victor , Shayam Mehra as Sam Mercy , Radhika as Ragima Jones, Esha Singh as Eliza. These people have to change their names for American.

Through this Bhagat wants to give message to the Indians that who working in call center they just get good salary but it not give the opportunity to do something else or show their skills and creativity into their work. In the novel due to slack in software industry the call center wanted to cut down the number of employees. Its effects on the people who are working in the call center it brings all the people under burden. literally this novel talks about the anxieties, fears, and stress of call center employees. So in the novel shows the positive and negative effects of Globalization on people’s life.

Tradition and modernity in swamp dwellers ( Assignment African literature)

Topic:-Tradition and modernity in Swamp Dwellers

Name:-Nasim Gaha

Roll no:-20

Enrollment no:-20691842190014

Email id: -


Submitted to Department of English MKUBU

About The Author:

Wole Soyinka, in full Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka bornJuly 13, 1934, Abeokuta, Nigeria), Nigerian playwright and political activist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986. He sometimes wrote of modern West Africa in a satirical style, but his serious intent and his belief in the evils inherent in the exercise of power usually was evident in his work as well. A member of the Yoruba people, Soyinka attended Government College and University College in Ibadan before graduating in 1958 with a degree in English from the University of Leeds in England. Upon his return to Nigeria, he founded an acting company and wrote his first important play, A Dance of the Forests (produced 1960; published 1963), for the Nigerian independence celebrations. The play satirizes the fledgling nation by stripping it of romantic legend and by showing that the present is no more a golden age than was the past. He wrote several plays in a lighter vein, making fun of pompous, Westernized schoolteachers in The Lion and the Jewel (first performed in Ibadan, 1959; published 1963) and mocking the clever preachers of upstart prayer-churches who grow fat on the credulity of their parishioners in The Trials of Brother Jero (performed 1960; published 1963) and Jero’s Metamorphosis (1973). But his more serious plays, such as The Strong Breed (1963), Kongi’s Harvest(opened the first Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar, 1966; published 1967), The Road (1965), From Zia, with Love(1992), and even the parody King Baabu (performed 2001; published 2002), reveal his disregard for African authoritarian leadership and his disillusionment with Nigerian society as a whole. From 1960 to 1964 Soyinka was coeditor of Black Orpheus, an important literary journal. From 1960 onward he taught literature and drama and headed theatre groups at various Nigerian universities, including those of Ibadan, Ife, and Lagos. After winning the Nobel Prize, he also was sought after as a lecturer, and many of his lectures were published—notably the Reith Lectures of 2004, as Climate of Fear (2004). Though he considered himself primarily a playwright, Soyinka also wrote novels which are very popular one. They are as given below

About Tradition and Modernity.

The Swamp Dwellers is a play by Soyinka in which he has portrayed the real picture of two sides that is tradition V/S Modernity. The play is about Yoruba culture in which Makuri and Alu they are living and waiting for their son whose name is Awuchike. Soyinka has presented Yoruba culture which is full of swamp because of food in the village. And they are suffering because of plenty of water and Beggar who comes from Bhukanji and over there they were suffering because of scarcity of water. Here, I would like to connect Tradition and Modernity that is one theme of ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ both are opposite from each others. It was very difficult to tell that which path that we want to followed.

Tradition:- Tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. Makuri, Alu and Igwezu are representation of tradition.

Modernity:-Modernity typically refers to a past traditional post medieval, historical period one marked by the money from feudalism toward capitalism, industrialism. Secularization, rationalization, the nation state and its constituent institutions and forms of surveillance. Awuchike and Desala are representation of modernity.

Tradition and Modernity issue is not new for us because we are facing this issue in our society also. With the development of human being this problem was comes into exist. In the play also we can find the same problem. Igwezu and Awuchike they both are twins. One is representing Tradition and another is representing modernity. he older generations’ views towards the city are expressed through Alu and Makuri. Alu and Makuri have two sons of Awuhike and Igwezu. Both of their sons went to the city for better prospects. But Awuchike attracted by city and cuts off all his relation with his parents. This ungratefulness even more consolidates Alu and Makuri’s prejudice against the city because he had got sick of the Swam. Moreover, Makuri says that young men go to the city because he had got sick of the money. But most of them forget their folk and cut their relation with the roots, says Makuri.

A village in the swamps. Frogs rain and other noises. The scan is a hut on stilts, built on one of the scattered semi-firm island in the swamp. The walls are marsh stakes plaited with hump ropes. Near the left down stage are the baskets he makes from the rushes which are strewn in front of him.”

These all lines show that they are traditional people doing work but which can’t give them food. At some extent tradition is good because you have your own belief and way of looking towards life but not accepting change in life is bad. Too exaggeration is bad for your life which is shown through the play. Igwezu went into city to earn more in life but he can’t accept the reality of life which is in city. There is starvation for shelter in city, so cold sophisticated life than village so we can say that Igwezu and Awuchike both are suffering because of their acceptance or to much exaggeration of their life. There is Constance struggle or conflict between the old and To Makuri the city is the place of immorality and corruption. Some of the events confirm Makuri’s views. For example, Desala who had gone the city with her husband Igwezu left him and went with Awuchike who had more money. Gonushi’s son is another example of the victim of city. He also went to the city and cut off his relation with wife and children. All the Swamp Dwellers believes in that city is the right place to make money. Then Igwezu returns from city and meets Kadiye. He asks him about how much money you got from city.?? Kadiye has one false perception in his mind that Igwezu has enough money to buy entire village. But Igwezu says that he is in financial constrain and by saying this he shows the bitter side of city life. He also talks about the reality that in the city only money that is matter.

Thus we see that the Swamp Dweller have mixed feeling about the city. To most of the Swamp Dwellers city is the place of comfort, money and luxury. But there are also some people who hate the city life but is forced to go to the city to make money. ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ focuses the struggle between the old and the new ways of life in Africa. It also gives us a picture of the cohesion that existed between the individual and southern Nigerian society. The play mirrors the socio-cultural pattern, the pang and the sufferings of the swamp dwellers and underlines the need for absorbing new ideas. The struggle between human being and unfavorable forces of nature is also captured in the play. Soyinka presents us the picture of modern Africa where the wind of change started blowing.

‘The Swamp Dwellers’ reflects the life of the people of southern Nigeria. Their vacation mainly is agro based. They weave baskets, till in cultivate land. They believe in serpent cult. They perform death rites. They offer gain, bull goat to appease the serpent of the swamp. Traders from city come there for crocodile skins. They lure young woman with money. Alu withstands their temptation. Young men go to the cities to make money, to drink bottled beer. In fact the city ruins them. ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ consummate their wedding at the bed where the rivers meet. They consider the river bed itself as the perfect bridal bed. Sudden flood ruin the crops throwing life out of gear.

Wole Soyinka’s play The Swamp Dwellers; The Swamp itself is the physical image of spiritual death. The spiritual death by which the young server all family and human ties with the village and indulges in a new kind of life in the towns is one of the main threats to the society of the village. The tone of despair which has been noticeable. And “Is it of any earthly use to change one slough for another?”Asks Igwezu, in The Swamp Dwellers, the city also is a swamp. And yet each must be experienced, they offer challenge not refuge. Igwezu returns to his destiny in the town. And in the end we find in the background that there is flood and drought. Igwezu leaves the village, but the Beggar beckons him back, “the swallows find their nest again when the cold in over”. new ways of life in Africa. There is the dialogue that old and children are living in village. It means that young’s are living in city.


We can see conflict of tradition and modernity in the play. Village is representing tradition and city as modernity. They both are different from each others. This play is representing those different very well. And The Swamp Dwellers makes use of contrast, parallelism, humor and irony in a suitable manner. Soyinka focuses the plight of the swamp dwellers in the play realistically. The swamp dwellers are at the mercy of furious nature unless they compromise tradition with modernity, embrace modern technology they wouldn’t have a bright future.

Tradition and modernity in swamp dwellers ( Assignment)

Topic:-Tradition and modernity in Swamp Dwellers

Name:-Nasim Gaha

Roll no:-20

Enrollment no:-20691842190014

Email id: -


Submitted to Department of English MKUBU

About The Author:

Wole Soyinka, in full Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka bornJuly 13, 1934, Abeokuta, Nigeria), Nigerian playwright and political activist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986. He sometimes wrote of modern West Africa in a satirical style, but his serious intent and his belief in the evils inherent in the exercise of power usually was evident in his work as well. A member of the Yoruba people, Soyinka attended Government College and University College in Ibadan before graduating in 1958 with a degree in English from the University of Leeds in England. Upon his return to Nigeria, he founded an acting company and wrote his first important play, A Dance of the Forests (produced 1960; published 1963), for the Nigerian independence celebrations. The play satirizes the fledgling nation by stripping it of romantic legend and by showing that the present is no more a golden age than was the past. He wrote several plays in a lighter vein, making fun of pompous, Westernized schoolteachers in The Lion and the Jewel (first performed in Ibadan, 1959; published 1963) and mocking the clever preachers of upstart prayer-churches who grow fat on the credulity of their parishioners in The Trials of Brother Jero (performed 1960; published 1963) and Jero’s Metamorphosis (1973). But his more serious plays, such as The Strong Breed (1963), Kongi’s Harvest(opened the first Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar, 1966; published 1967), The Road (1965), From Zia, with Love(1992), and even the parody King Baabu (performed 2001; published 2002), reveal his disregard for African authoritarian leadership and his disillusionment with Nigerian society as a whole. From 1960 to 1964 Soyinka was coeditor of Black Orpheus, an important literary journal. From 1960 onward he taught literature and drama and headed theatre groups at various Nigerian universities, including those of Ibadan, Ife, and Lagos. After winning the Nobel Prize, he also was sought after as a lecturer, and many of his lectures were published—notably the Reith Lectures of 2004, as Climate of Fear (2004). Though he considered himself primarily a playwright, Soyinka also wrote novels which are very popular one. They are as given below

About Tradition and Modernity.

The Swamp Dwellers is a play by Soyinka in which he has portrayed the real picture of two sides that is tradition V/S Modernity. The play is about Yoruba culture in which Makuri and Alu they are living and waiting for their son whose name is Awuchike. Soyinka has presented Yoruba culture which is full of swamp because of food in the village. And they are suffering because of plenty of water and Beggar who comes from Bhukanji and over there they were suffering because of scarcity of water. Here, I would like to connect Tradition and Modernity that is one theme of ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ both are opposite from each others. It was very difficult to tell that which path that we want to followed.

Tradition:- Tradition is a belief or behavior passed down within group or society with symbolic meaning or special significance with origins in the past. Makuri, Alu and Igwezu are representation of tradition.

Modernity:-Modernity typically refers to a past traditional post medieval, historical period one marked by the money from feudalism toward capitalism, industrialism. Secularization, rationalization, the nation state and its constituent institutions and forms of surveillance. Awuchike and Desala are representation of modernity.

Tradition and Modernity issue is not new for us because we are facing this issue in our society also. With the development of human being this problem was comes into exist. In the play also we can find the same problem. Igwezu and Awuchike they both are twins. One is representing Tradition and another is representing modernity. he older generations’ views towards the city are expressed through Alu and Makuri. Alu and Makuri have two sons of Awuhike and Igwezu. Both of their sons went to the city for better prospects. But Awuchike attracted by city and cuts off all his relation with his parents. This ungratefulness even more consolidates Alu and Makuri’s prejudice against the city because he had got sick of the Swam. Moreover, Makuri says that young men go to the city because he had got sick of the money. But most of them forget their folk and cut their relation with the roots, says Makuri.

A village in the swamps. Frogs rain and other noises. The scan is a hut on stilts, built on one of the scattered semi-firm island in the swamp. The walls are marsh stakes plaited with hump ropes. Near the left down stage are the baskets he makes from the rushes which are strewn in front of him.”

These all lines show that they are traditional people doing work but which can’t give them food. At some extent tradition is good because you have your own belief and way of looking towards life but not accepting change in life is bad. Too exaggeration is bad for your life which is shown through the play. Igwezu went into city to earn more in life but he can’t accept the reality of life which is in city. There is starvation for shelter in city, so cold sophisticated life than village so we can say that Igwezu and Awuchike both are suffering because of their acceptance or to much exaggeration of their life. There is Constance struggle or conflict between the old and To Makuri the city is the place of immorality and corruption. Some of the events confirm Makuri’s views. For example, Desala who had gone the city with her husband Igwezu left him and went with Awuchike who had more money. Gonushi’s son is another example of the victim of city. He also went to the city and cut off his relation with wife and children. All the Swamp Dwellers believes in that city is the right place to make money. Then Igwezu returns from city and meets Kadiye. He asks him about how much money you got from city.?? Kadiye has one false perception in his mind that Igwezu has enough money to buy entire village. But Igwezu says that he is in financial constrain and by saying this he shows the bitter side of city life. He also talks about the reality that in the city only money that is matter.

Thus we see that the Swamp Dweller have mixed feeling about the city. To most of the Swamp Dwellers city is the place of comfort, money and luxury. But there are also some people who hate the city life but is forced to go to the city to make money. ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ focuses the struggle between the old and the new ways of life in Africa. It also gives us a picture of the cohesion that existed between the individual and southern Nigerian society. The play mirrors the socio-cultural pattern, the pang and the sufferings of the swamp dwellers and underlines the need for absorbing new ideas. The struggle between human being and unfavorable forces of nature is also captured in the play. Soyinka presents us the picture of modern Africa where the wind of change started blowing.

‘The Swamp Dwellers’ reflects the life of the people of southern Nigeria. Their vacation mainly is agro based. They weave baskets, till in cultivate land. They believe in serpent cult. They perform death rites. They offer gain, bull goat to appease the serpent of the swamp. Traders from city come there for crocodile skins. They lure young woman with money. Alu withstands their temptation. Young men go to the cities to make money, to drink bottled beer. In fact the city ruins them. ‘The Swamp Dwellers’ consummate their wedding at the bed where the rivers meet. They consider the river bed itself as the perfect bridal bed. Sudden flood ruin the crops throwing life out of gear.

Wole Soyinka’s play The Swamp Dwellers; The Swamp itself is the physical image of spiritual death. The spiritual death by which the young server all family and human ties with the village and indulges in a new kind of life in the towns is one of the main threats to the society of the village. The tone of despair which has been noticeable. And “Is it of any earthly use to change one slough for another?”Asks Igwezu, in The Swamp Dwellers, the city also is a swamp. And yet each must be experienced, they offer challenge not refuge. Igwezu returns to his destiny in the town. And in the end we find in the background that there is flood and drought. Igwezu leaves the village, but the Beggar beckons him back, “the swallows find their nest again when the cold in over”. new ways of life in Africa. There is the dialogue that old and children are living in village. It means that young’s are living in city.

We can see conflict of tradition and modernity in the play. Village is representing tradition and city as modernity. They both are different from each others. This play is representing those different very well. And The Swamp Dwellers makes use of contrast, parallelism, humor and irony in a suitable manner. Soyinka focuses the plight of the swamp dwellers in the play realistically. The swamp dwellers are at the mercy of furious nature unless they compromise tradition with modernity, embrace modern technology they wouldn’t have a bright future.

Major Themes in novel one night @ the call center( Assignment)

Topic: Major Themes in the novel One Night at the Call Center

Name: Nasim .R. gaha

Roll No:20

Email id:

Enrollment no : 2069108420190014

Seam: 4

Submitted to Department of English MKUBU.

About Other

He was born in 1974 in New Delhi. chetan Bhagat studied at Army Public School, New Delhi, and went on to obtain his degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology IIT, Delhi. He also holds an MBA degree from the Indian Institute of Management IIM. After finishing his degrees, he start working in Hong Kong as an investment banker. chetan Bhagat has also received many awards such as the Publisher’s Recognition Award and Society Young Achiever’s Award In the year 2010, chetan Bhagat was listed among the World’s 100 Most Influential People by Time magazine. Four of his books have been adapted in films.

Major Themes in the novel One Night at the Call Center

Phone call from God:-

The phone call from God is one of the major theme in the novel. In this novel writer has presented God as a friendly figure rather than a boss. God is presented in a modern way and shown as speaking in modern modern rather than the stereo‐typical pure English or Latin that one common encounter God saying.
In the novel each characters endure from their personal problems and when they are in difficult situation they get phone call from God. When they all go outside from call center at the night go to club.
After enjoying they coming back to the call center at that time their car Quails crashes into a construction site hanging over a mesh of iron construction road. They are unable to phone call for as there is no mobile phone network at that place. In that accidents shyam’s mobile phone starts up ringing. The phone call is from God. God talks with everyone and listen their problems and gives them suggestions and to improve in their life. The conversation with God motivates the characters to such an extent that they get ready to face their problems with ulmost determination and motivation. The story takes a dramatic and critical turn through a due ex machine when the characters receive a phone call from God.


In the novel One Night @ the Call Center writer introduces a young India and their problems like six characters, shyam, Radhika, Esha, Priyanka, Vroom, and Military uncle of the novel they facing problems because they working in the call center. Once they get call from God to solve problem and the novel also about to call to alarm to India to the young people within it.

“Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state’s decisions and actions”

Having had to suffer the country being screwed up by politicians for so years, the potential of the nation and its people is finally being allowed to flourish. In call center most of the people work in a night shift and get many calls from the America and solve their problems.

In the novel characters working in the call center and their bay’s name is “Western Appliances Strategic Group” or WASG. They deal with the customers of home appliances such as refrigerator, oven and vacuum cleaners. These strategic customers call a lot and are too difficult to figure out things. So they thinks that they dealing with on the lines from America and even bigger up the management pecking order.

When Vroom talks to God, Vroom says,

“I should not have taken up a job just for money. Call center pays more, but only because the exchange rate is in the favor Americans. They toss their loose change at us. It seems like a lot of rupees but jobs that pay less could be better there could be jobs that define me, make me learn or help my country” Vroom’s ideas are very anti American so he says that,“Americans suck the life blood out of our country’s most productive generation”The implication is that Indian too must develop a greater sense of itself and reject the easy path of playing second fiddle to the U. S.

Theme of marriage is also very important. First theme of the marriage is shows in Priyanka's character. She is living with her mother and her mother is very ambitious for her marriage with Ganesh. her Mother decided her marriage very earlier so that Priyanka doesn't like that.
Radhika is married but also working lady. But her mother in law does not like this and her husband also has another girlfriend.

Duse Ex Machine :-

This is a climax of the one night at the call center novel. Deus Ex Machina means " God From Machine". Here a writer has composed himself into a corner for moving ahead. After this novel all it brings a happy ending or a comic device for audience. Deus Ex Machina is used in this novel by chetan Bhagat when all characters met an accident and no any source are there to save their lives. At that time God call save them with many messages for life. After that they all restart their lives from God's advice of living life happily and They all tried a lot of solve their problems from their lives. So that happy ending is here from God.

Deux ex machina is calque from Greek meaning “God

from the machina”
Deux ex machina is term which has evolved to mean a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and all of sudden resolved by the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, characters, ability and subject. It can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has “painted himself into a corner” and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience In same way Chetan Bhagat used deux ex machina in this novel. Where he finds that the all characters are in trouble situation he uses a call from God to resolve a plots.


One Night @ the Call Center deals with issues of young people, including questions about career, inadequacy, marriage, family conflicts in a changing India, and the relationship of the young Indian middle class to both executive and ordinary clients whom they serve in the United States.

In this novel Bhagat’s aim is to convey a message to the people of India from the situation of the characters like the harshness of the situation of women in India. Esha who wants to become a model for that she forced to slept with 40 years old designer and it represents the dark side of the India.

Throughout the novel Bhagat presents modernity like smoking is the contemporary metaphore of melancholic state of being depression, stress, feel bad. Bhagat also talks about the Indian family like the situation of Radhika in her in law’s house. Like on day she do house hold works and in night she works in call center.

Love :

heme of love is a major theme in one night at the call center novel.

1. Priyanka and Shayam : Earlier Priyanka and Shayam were in relationship but now Priyanka engaged with NRI boy named Ganesh, living in US.
2. Esha and Vroom : Here Esha wants to become a model , and on the base of it she slept with a designer for modeling contract. Another side Vroom loves her a lot but can not describe only because of her dream of modeling and desires.
3. Radhika : Radhika is a married girl , living with her mother-in-law. She also loves her husband too much but her husband also cheated her. He had one girl friend named Payal.
4. Military Uncle : Theme of love also shown in this characters. Military uncle loves his grandson very much who is living in abroad with his son. But His son ignored him a lot.


“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology” (Globalization)

The effect of Globalization also describe in the novel through the struggle of each character‘s life. The Globalization is an economical movement. The title of the novel itself tells about the effect of globalization in call center. Thee Novel is based on the working people in Call Centre.

In the call center every workers name are changed Varun Malhotra called as Victor , Shayam Mehra as Sam Mercy , Radhika as Ragima Jones, Esha Singh as Eliza. These people have to change their names for American.

Through this Bhagat wants to give message to the Indians that who working in call center they just get good salary but it not give the opportunity to do something else or show their skills and creativity into their work. In the novel due to slack in software industry the call center wanted to cut down the number of employees. Its effects on the people who are working in the call center it brings all the people under burden. literally this novel talks about the anxieties, fears, and stress of call center employees. So in the novel shows the positive and negative effects of Globalization on people’s life.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

What is web 2.0 Tools

These tools are internet tools that allow the user to go beyond just receiving information through the web. The user is expected to interact and to create content with others. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are examples of Web 2.0 tools.

Spoken English guru:

 Spoken English Guru App is designed & developed by India’s the largest Spoken English Portal, having 1 million+ online students, 4 Lac+ YouTube subscribers, 1 Million+ Book readers in India. This app contains the lesson wise Videos of Spoken English Guru YouTube Channel along with the lesson wise written material in Hindi, English & Roman language. This app is developed with the vision of “Saksham Bharat Mission” by English
About the Owner: English Spoken English Guru Channel is owned by Mr. Aditya Rana. He is a former Voice n Accent Trainer, worked in International BPOs for 7 years. He has 15 years of experience in teaching Grammar & Spoken English in prestigious institutes in Delhi & Uttrakhand. He is co-author of India’s the best selling English Speaking Course Book. He is a social activist, who has taught voluntarily in many institutes in his career and distributed more than 1 Lac+ copies of his book to poor students. He has a vision of helping financially excluded students in his life.

App Content: Grammar Concepts, Practice Exercises, Test Papers, Daily Use English Sentences, Vocabulary Exercises, Pronunciation Modules, Listening Practice Exercises, Hindi to English Translation Exercises, Newspaper Article English to Hindi Translation Exercises, English Speaking Practice Exercises .

Friday, February 7, 2020

Reflective blog : Professor Atanu Bhattacharya

  • Reflective blog : Professor Atanu Bhattachary

Hello Readers this blog about three day's session on ELT by professor Atanu Bhattacharya. He from central University Gandhinagar. From 25th to 28th Atannu sir came to our department for ELT- 2 [ English language teaching- 2] . It is very enjoyable and importance for me.

first day Session : sir briefly talk about History of English language teaching. Sir starts with Renaissance with briefly detailing of it to 19th & 20th century.How the language played an important role in literature sir said and explain with many examples. the language played an important role in literature sir said and explain with many examples.And said language can not be learning to join any spoken classes because it is practical process of learning and learning is not set dialogue because conversation always change it depends on dialogue. Also phonetic is also important for language teaching for example- how to pronounce ship and sheep in different ways .Sir mentioned the Methods like: 1) Natural Method/ Direct Method , 2)Grammar Translation Method, 3) Audio-lingual method ,IPA International phonetic Alphabet- you can't learn language by learning rules,you learn language by using the language. IPA sets the rules of English language, here translation should be used only as support.

Second day session:Sir said about one notable observations which I can't imagine before this lecture, sir said why Indian has problem to learn article because we use number formation in the sentence while British language has article like a, an and the.sir takes us to the novel and poetry with language and literature. Sir teach with practical exercise. Language has skill to develop criticism,not only for communication but the thought process.Teaching poetry How to teaching poetry ? With help of image and developed vocabulary drill of students and suggest to students define register word and tone or attitude of writer.Considering Learner's learning styles :
• Visual
• Auditory
• Kinaesthetic
• Studial
• Analytic
• Dependent• Independent

Representative ( common part of speech; assertion, conclusion) Directive ( Request, ordering and questioning)
Communiques (promising, offering)
Expressive ( thanking, apologizing, welcoming)
Declaration ( problems by specific person)

third day session :Testing means test specific particular objective, evaluation is general term it is not about particular subject but it is general ideas of particular there score can not get score. Assessment is feedback, it is require to say what we have to do at the next time.To set rubric and evaluate students spoken skills. For example check which students belonging to which category- Set category like fluent, competence, Average, poor. 1] Proficiency test :-2] Achievement test :-
3] Diagnostic tests :-
4] placement tests:-
5] Norm referenced testing
6] Criterion referenced testing

Research field-
At the past research studies and the future of English research studies . which are topic best for research scholar. If research scholar want to research on language then they have to do Linguistics explorations working towards an integrated multimedia approach -technical Orientation, social orientation, social history orientation.


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thinking activity: sense of ending

The Sense on an ending by Julian barnes

About Author

Julian Patrick Barnes born 19 January 1946. He is an English writer. He won the Man Booker prize for his book sense of an ending. 2011. Is a novelist short story writer, essay writer.

  • About sense of an ending

Novel : Characters 

Anthony (Tony) Webster





1)What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email?

"Boold money" iveronica reply email means. blood involve in that money and parhaps that blood was Adrian’s blood. Because Adrian has relationship with Veronica’s mother Sarah and that’s why Adrian committed suicide so, blood of Adrian was involved in that money that’s why Veronica called it “Blood Money.”

2)How do you decipher the equation: b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?

b(Baby) =S(Sarah)- Veronicax/+ Adrian or Adrian+Veronica +Adrian xSarah=Baby

b = s – v x/+ a1. In this first formula doesn't involved Tony and seems to imply little more than Sarah and Adrin together in veronica's absence.

a2 + v + a1 X s = b? In this formula, A2 = Antony Webster, V = Veronica, A1 = Adrin, S = Sarah Ford, B = Baby, a1xs = a1's relationship with S. Antony Webster ,Veronica and Adrin are friends and the relationship of Adrin with Sarah came as a result of baby.

3)Adrian’s diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. Why did Sarah Ford own it? Why was it in the possession of Veronica?

When Sarah Ford diary of Tony  because she affair with Adrian and Veronica care of Adrian and Sarah of sun. Sarah  will explanation of Adrian and her affair.

4)Was the mentally retarded middle aged ‘Adrian’, Tony’s friend who did not commit suicide and was suffering from trauma and thus gone mad, and was living with hidden identity?

No, this statement is not true. Adrian is dead. Adrian was happy in his last few days but he was also suffering from trauma because he felt guilty for what he did.He had also saw this one example of his own friend who also committed suicide because in his school life he made his girlfriend pregnant. So Adrian feels guilty, and then he commits suicide

5.How was Veronica related to Adrian, the one suffering in care-in-the-community?

Sarah Ford has relations with Adrian and they having affair and because of this Sarah Ford gave birth to child. So generally we can see that relation between Veronica and young Adrian is relation of brother and sister. Brother who is her own lover’s son with her mother. Because of this Veronica is taking care of Adrian, the one suffering in care-in-the-community

6)Do you see any missing block – some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller?

There are many missing block in this novel. Mrs. Sarah Ford's character is very mysterious. many question remains in answered like. What did Sarah Ford told about Veronica to Tony and Adrin that both of them left Veronica ? What is the reason of Adrin and Robson's suicide?

7) Do you see any possible reason in the suicide of Adrian Finn?

Her Girlfriend's mother  with affair so he feels guilty. So Adrian' suicide reason.

8)In the light of new revelations, how do you read character of Veronica? Instinctive, manipulative, calculating, stubborn, haughty, sacrificial, trustworthy, good Samaritan?

we find two Veronica in the novel. The first image Tony created through his memory is not appropriate for the Veronica of the second part. We believe about Veronia whatever narrated by Tony in the first part. But when as a reader we directly come in contact with her- she is more carring, trustworthy, good Samaritan, who is taking lot of care of young Adrian.

9) What do you mean by Unreliable Narrator? Is Tony Webster classifiable as Unreliable Narrator?

If we are supposed to see his character as an Unreliable Narrator, as from Beginning till the End he can’t remember things exactly, as he narrates everything accept his letters, it is Veronica who reminds him about his letter, and he was one of the reason of these all things that is going on around him.

Thanks you

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Thinking activity about food

Hello Readers this task about food v/s literature.

Eating good food, especially with family and friend, is oneFood is more important to live.
Same literature is more important  to live. If we will eat good and healthy food so we will live with good and disease free. Same we will read good and importance for life literature . So we will live good and tension free and true . Our food are sweets, bitter, spicy, same literature are sweets, bitter, spicy. While literature are true and falls. Literature become to man,be sad be happy be angry. Bitter Gourd is not tasty but we will eat for health. Same some literature is not entertainment but it's important for life. Without food life is not possible. And without literature is life unless and incomplete. If we eat more healthy food so you need exercise for body .And same we read more literature so you need exercise for life . Example use in life It is exercise for live's life. What we choose it is dependent for us. We eat food by spoon, dish, and we get of literature T.v, radio, books, paper, Teacher ext. We eat again to again and without hunger so we feel ill. We read needless literature so we become to mad. Example we use literature without meaning and unnecessary. So people say mad. We will think about how literature use. Some people use vegetarian food and some people use non vegetarian food. So food inside is religion  and same some literature about  religion. example Ramayana, Bhagavtagita, quran,Bible. Pray is food of soul.same literature is food necessary to life live. hard work for make food. same had work for use literature in life.We will make sharp of mind . if we will ill so doctor gave to Medicine so we fell good same we have most tension so we help of literature. literature show of right and true  way without payment so dont worry OK . like eat like that's the health. and like read like that's use in life without fear and tension free and with enjoy. Food in many variety same literature in many variety example religion, society. culture. if we eat food and after we will sleep it is denser for digestion.same we read literature and after dont think about literature view so it is fail for us is not work in life.

Fast food  is danger for body parts. Same entertainment literature is danger for life. Example dirty movie movie. Many people use of fast food. Same many people like of bed only entertainment it is danger for life. only entertainment literature harmful for us and country. example. England country will take decision about country by literature teacher not use  Owen idea.     

We can see in  The dirty movie represent of entertainment  literature V/S critical literature. Abraham dialogue is more important for literature He believe about people like of thinking movie not  hero type. But it is not true. Because people like is entertainment entertainment . Literature is good and bed for people.

So we can see entertainment literature is like as fast food. It is harmful for us. We can see in movie health and fast food. Many Yong man like as entertainment entertainment entertainment. If we use literature in life so we will  live life good and With enjoy. When children only drink liquid and mother milk same we use in childhoods Norma literature. Example we follow mother and father.

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