Monday, December 30, 2019

Thinking activity about culture studies

Reflective blogg on Cultural studies by Dr. Kalyani Vallat. This work shop organization on Friday 27 December at department of English m. k. Bhavnagar University by Dr Dilip barad sir. It is interesting and knowledgeable for me. I know very well about culture studies. Dr kaliyani taught about culture studies with example and enjoy.

What is my understanding about the concept of culture studies ?
   I gave simple example about culture. People of  the custom. People's lives of style. While people's food, clothes, house. All people culture is different. Rural and city culture different. Poor and Rich people culture are different. And county culture's different. Mam gave many examples . She told all people coming is very different. She visits Manny country. He gave many examples of traveling. When he go to Singapore that time she did not get  food of vegetarian. And gave many people of food and custom. 

she touched upon topics like ;

• What is cultural studies?
• The Beginning of cultural studies
• About Pioneers
• Circuit of culture
• Major influences
• Cultural Intermediaries
• Popular culture studies
• Subculture studies
• public sphere
• Post Trauma Studies
• Queer study

# Examples which we get cathchy from lecture:-

• So, first at all I want to say that she has taken many examples from our routine life ,from a middle class family. She is taking very much relevant and real or silly examples which we can easily understood.Here I like two examples of her own life one at Singapore and second at Aasam , both place she has to sacrifice for food.As we know that Cultural studie is also developing of updating with today's time. On more thing that whatever matter she is telling is directly connect with cultural studies. She don't talk only about high classes's culture but also middle class stream which which she is dealing.She has taken example of water bottle from which she is gone to drink but suddenly she look bottle as example and well discuss about political act . We learnt that how cultural studies connect with our Perspective, Tradition, society,our own experience and etc

And I get certificate of work shop about culture studies

Thanks my all readers

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Language Lab review

Language Lab review

Hello readers this blogg about language Lab
This task given by Dr Dilip barad sir.
It is very interesting for me. I like to get knowledge by language lab. When I started to learn with group. With enjoy.

  • What is language lab.?

➤ A language lab is a dedicated space for foreign language learning where students access audio-visual materials.

It is very helpful for me. I learn while grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, and four skills. It is in the interesting. But language Lab very slowly and hard . And many words new for me. And I learn phonetics skills with enjoy and careful.

Namo-e teb  and language lab both are same but few different. Both are helpful for me. because I improve my vocabulary and grammar and four skills by language Lab. It is very important for me.  I give some photos of language Lab and namo-e tab.
Both are same and interested for learn. And helpful. Both are I learn both very slowly working. And time vest.

.Between laboratory session the teacher can scrutinize student's performances on tape, at his lesuire and be in a position to advice student how to avoid persistent errors before next session
It requires special personnel for its upkeep and maintenance it does not require everybody rather it require those who will be educated in the field.
Immediate knowledge of results, it is observed that one method of arranging the tape aims at achieving knowledge of result.

Disadvantages of Language Laboratory:

It requires special personnel for its upkeep and maintenance it does not require everybody rather it require those who will be educated in the field.

Thanks all readers

Saturday, December 21, 2019


"Post colonialism" refers broadly to the ways in which race, ethnicity, culture, and human identity itself are represented in the modern era, after many colonized countries gained their independence. However, some critics use the term to refer to all culture and cultural products influenced by imperialism from the moment of colonization until the twenty-first century. Postcolonial literature seeks to describe the interactions between European nations and the peoples they colonized.

Sharmeen obaid Chinoy 's Got Oscar award for her documentary " A Girl in the River " has been much celebrated at home. It is about honor killing in Pakistan. Sharmeen’s films are about truly heroic Pakistani women — women who have suffered appalling cruelty and oppression but who have refused to be silenced. In telling their stories to the world, they have fought back and exposed injustice. It is shows the true situation of women that how they suffering so by showing this reality it brings awareness in society. It is not the situation of women in Pakistan but overall in the world. We don't know many places where women are suffering. people not easily accept this reality.

The rivers and tides

The rivers and tides

Andy Golds worthy's art is supposed to fall apart. He creates large-scale outdoor sculptures and artworks out of natural materials like mud, wood, ice and stone in an attempt to imbue the physical world with a spiritual, ephemeral element. Director Thomas Riedelsheimer follows Golds worthy as he constructs his art everywhere from upstate New York to his home village in Scotland, and questions the solitary artist about his inspirations, frustrations and artistic goals.
Rivers and Tides is a 2001 documentary film directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer about the British artist Andy Golds worthy, who creates intricate and ephemeral sculptures from natural materials such as rocks, leaves, flowers, and icicles.

luscious sculptures entirely out of things he finds in nature — stones, twigs, leaves, plant stalks, clay, ice, snow. In this meditative 90-minute documentary by Thomas Riedelsheimer, Golds worthy is seen working on new creations as he explains his philosophy that brings together a Zen-like appreciation of the natural world, a deeply felt connection with the Earth and all its thousand things, a fascination with time and the ephemeral existence of objects, a respect for place and all the marvels discovered within a space that one knows intimately, and a yearning to explore the energy that is running through the landscape. Sometimes his works change before our eyes and even pass away before we have savored all their mystery and magic. But to the artist, this is all part of the process.

"Art for me is a form of nourishment," Golds worthy says, and we see what he means as he begins to assemble his earthwork arrangements. Arriving for a new commission in Nova Scotia, he has only a little time to familiarize himself with the seaside terrain. Still, he establishes a camaraderie with the natural world: "I've shook hands with the place," he declares as he begins to work on an icicle sculpture that fits perfectly with the chilly and desolate milieu. Golds worthy respects the processes of life and death reflected in nature. As the sun illuminates the finished sculpture, he notes, "The very thing that brought it to life, will bring about its death." This is only one of the many spiritual insights emerging from his art

Post structralism

Deconstruction, as applied in the criticism of literature, designates a theory and practice of reading which questions and claims to "subvert" or "undermine" the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that are adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of a literary text. Typically, a reconstructive reading sets out to show that conflicting forces within the text itself serve to dissipate the seeming definiteness of its structure and meanings into an indefinite array of incompatible and undecidable possibilities.

"Shutter island"
In this movie hero play two characters so similarly afflicted
But we all know that it's just myth.
In which nothing is what it seems

Post truth

Post truth


Some commentators have observed that we are living in a post Truth age.In this era of post truth politics it's easy to Cherry pic data and come to whatever conclusion you desire.Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief .According to me " post truth" is most important word for knowing true about politicians fake news advertisements fake promises. I think that politicians a peaks lie for position they give promises for few times.


Structuralism and Literary Criticism' - Gerard Genette. Structuralism is a way to examines a literary text to arrive at their meaning, rather than the actual meanings of the text themselves. It is a study of structure wherever they occur. In the essay Genet analyses content, logic, grammars and semiotics.

About the critic
Gerard Genet was a French literary theorist, associated in particular with the structuralist movement and such figures as Roland Barthes and Claude Levi-Strauss, from whom he adapted the concept of bricolage.

"Being a structuralist critic, how would you analyse literary text or TV serial or Film? You can select any image or TV serial or film or literary text or advertisement. Apply structuralist method and post your write up on your blog. Give link of that blog-post in the comment section under this blog."

In literary theory, Structuralism is an approach to analyzing the narrative material by examining the underlying invariant structure .There are many Structuralist critics like Ferdinand Saussure, Gerard Genette, Roland Barthes, Claude Levi-Strauss etc. Structuralist critics found basic common structure in every work. As all the human beings have a same structure from inside, similarly literature has basic structure and it is same everywhere whether it movies, TV serials or advertisement etc.
In my opinion various structures could be find behind particular genres of literature and movies such as love story, revenge story, comedy.

Love story

In India there are many kind of conflict like class conflict between upper class and lower/poor class people, religion conflict, culture conflict and that is what the structure of Indian Bollywood cinema in the genre of love story. there would always one boy/girl belongs to a wealthy family and fall in love with a boy/girl who belongs to a poor family. and other is that the group/culture/conflict of boy and girl remain different, so their relatives oppose this love and story ends either with their Death or their happy marriage life.
For example:-
Dil to pagal hai.

Revenge :-

In any kind of revenge stories either in books or in movies there are different stories, scenario but the structure of that story would always remain same.

For example:-

Comedy :-

In television cinema there are many popular comedy shows, movie and serials. They are produced irony and satire on the society. And this type of show is very useful for children and also illness people. Comedy through our mood is changed and feel like freshness. There are many comedies i like

For example:-The comedy nights with Kapil

Archetype litrature - Northop frye

Northrop Frye's Archetype of Literature

About Northrop Frye's

He was born on 14, July,1912 and died in 23, January,1991. He was a Canadian literature critic and literary theorist, consider on of the most influential of the 20th century.

First book 1) fearful symmetry

1) What is Archetype Criticism? What does the archetypal critic do?
In literary criticism the term archetype denotes recurrent designs, pattern of action, character type, themes and images which are identifiable in a wide variety of works of literature
true, as well as in myths, dreams and even social rituals. The Archetypal critic tries to find this pattern, symbol and myth in present literary work.

2) What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of 'physics to Nature' and 'criticism to Literature'?

Frye compares the physics to nature by say that criticism as a science and Literature is subject of science. He also say that , physics is an organized body of knowledge about nature "criticism to Literature" physics is a systematic and organized study of Nature.
He denotes spring to comedy because comedy is a birth, reveal and recognition for hero and spring season is also a kind of birth of a new season.

He compare summer to the romance because in summer we can see culmination of life and in romance we can see sort of triumph, usually in the form of marriage.

Winter season denotes satire because of its darkness, like satire winter consider as a dark season for European people.

Autumn season denotes tragedy, as it reflects the dying stage of life, in this season all the leaves of the tree fallen down and tree becomes lifeless.

3) Share your views of criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosophy.
Literature is the central division of Humanities. Historical sense and philosophy are about morality, ethics and all these things are required when we study literature. Philosophy is about existence and it progressively moves on, its ideas never stopped. Northrop Frye says that without reasoning and thinking to jump on any type of conclusion is not valid process. We have to look upon the framework of history which is based on evidence. History is never written without evidence. Every ideas have a framework and how it grows is important to understand.
4) Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.
Inductive method signifies a journey from specific to general. As we read some specific literary work and comes to a general conclusion, in this way we extend from specific outcome to general outcome.

The best example of this method is grave digging scene from Hamlet, it is a specific scene and from that scene we come to know some general conclusion. In that scene there were two grave diggers and they seemed in quite in harmony with their work. They were talking with one another and singing a song during the time of grave digging. They were also mocking on dead Ophelia and commented that whether she allowed to buried or not. Here we can see that they have no grief for deadly one. It was their work and that's why they were habituated with it. It became their general work so they have no emotion for dead one.

5) Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music, Painting, rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method.

Deductive method is journey from general to specific. In music we can understand rhythm of it where as in painting we can find pattern or colors; but by listening some of the lines from everything but by a looking at painting we can get idea of it's pattern.
6) Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation.


The fields are rich with daffodils,

A coat of clover cloaks the hills,

And I must dance, and I must sing

To see the beauty of the spring.


The earth is warm, the sun's ablaze

It is a time of carefree days;

And bees abuzz that chance to pass

May see me snoozing in the grass


The leaves are yellow, red, and brown,

A shower sprinkles softly down;

The air is fragrant, crisp, and cool,

And once again I'm stuck in school.


The birds are gone, the world is white,

The winds are wild, they chill and bite;

The ground is thick with slush and sleet,

And I can barely feel my feet.

Thanks all readers

T.S Eliot

T.S Eliot

Q-1) HOT.S Elliot Would you like to explain Eliot's concept of Tradition? Do you agree with it?

ANS:- Yes, I'm agree with the Eliot's views. He point out the tradition as that the tradition is matter of much wider significance. it cannot be inherited, you must obtained it by great labour. Talent has no connections with the inhabitants, we have to work hard to catch the talent.

Being a part of tradition we have to do great labour, it involves historical sense which involves appreciation not only of the Pastiness of past but also it's presence.

Q-2) What do you understand by Historical sense?

ANS:- The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the Pastiness of the past, but of its presence"
This historical sense, which is a sense of the timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timeless and of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional.
Eliot concept of historical sense is a dynamic one and not static, and is forever in a state of flux. the historical sense enables a writer to write not only his own generation in mind, but from past to present with continuity of tradition. historical sense a sense of timeless and temporal, for example, in indian context ram and Krishna alive in our life.

Q-3) What is the relationship between "tradition" and "the individual talent," according to the poet T.S Eliot ?


For Eliot tradition and individual talent an existing does not cut itself from the tradition , we have to work in an interdisciplinary kind of a manner . In answer of that how individual talent associated with tradition he is says that ....... Individual talent does not cut itself away from the tradition for eliot Tradition is already existing monument and individual talent can only marginally and a bir , extend it a bit . Tradition and individual talent they both go together . It can be separate .

Q-4) Explain: "some can absorb knowledge, the more tardy must sweat for it. Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British museum".

ANS:- Eliot's concept about of tradition and individual talent, here we can see that how Eliot associate with tradition. he gave general dictionary meaning of tradition. there is conflict between traditional and Modern. Modern automatically becomes good and traditional automatically becomes not so good. it's compare with this modern writer to find in this present work.

Q-5) Explain: "Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry"

ANS:- " Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation is directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry" in this line he tried to explain that the honest criticism and the appreciation by any critic is of the work art and not of the writer. if we like any work of art it is the quality of that work we like, not the poet's personality. the problems arise from that misunderstanding and after that what happens is that the ideal image that we have conceived in our mind is broken when we come to know about the personal life of that poet.

Q-6) How would you like to explain Eliot's theory of Denationalization ? you can explain with the help of chemical reaction in presence of catalyst agent, platinum.

ANS:- The theory of denationalization of honest criticism and sensitive appreciations directed not upon the poet but upon the poetry. theory of denationalization is chemical process.

Q-7) Explain:" poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality."

ANS:- in above given quote Eliot again talk about denationalization . he says that whenever poet create something their own self should not reflect in their creative work. poet should learn to be aloof or detach when they create something.Eliot says poetry is impersonal it is not for showing one's own emotion or self it is about escape from that emotions and self. poet's own self should not reflect in their own poetry or work.

Q-8) Write two points on which one can write critique on " T.S. Eliot as a critic'.

ANS:-Eliot's view of escape from emotion and escape from personality.
The idea of depersonalize that the man who suffers and the mind which creates are different.

Friday, December 20, 2019

I.A Richard

Figurative Language I. A. Richard

I . A. Richard

Ivor Armstrong Richard, known as I. A. Richards, was an English educator, literary critic, and rhetorician whose work contributed to the foundations of the New Criticism, a formalist movement in literary theory, which emphasized the close reading of a literary text, especially poetry, in an effort to discover how a work of literature functions as a self contained, self-referential aesthetic object.

Richard's intellectual contributions to the establishments of the literary methodology of the New Criticism are presented in the books The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism, by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism , practical criticism and The Philosophy of Rhetoric.

four kinds of meaning

Sense is what is said, or the 'items' referred to by a writer.
Feeling refers to emotions, emotional attitudes, will, desire, pleasure, displeasure and the rest. When we say something we have a feeling about it, "an attitude towards it, some special direction, bias or accentuation of interest towards it, some personal flavour or coloring of feelings, these nuances of interest.
Tone is the writer’s attitude to his readers or audience. The use of language is determined by the writer’s ‘recognition’ of his relation to his readers.
Intention is the writer’s aim, which may be conscious or unconscious. It refers to the effect that he tries to produce. This purpose modifies the expression. It controls the emphasis, shapes the arrangement, or draws attention to something of importance.



1) The difference between poem and prose-
Prose is a work in which events are arranged together in an order and has an end. Its aim is to give information about truth to the reader. On the other hand, poem is a piece of art in which truth is created through imagination. Its aim is to delight the readers.

Prose has simple and regular way of writing, on the other hand poem is concern, and it has meter rhyme and ornamental language. If a writer says something directly or in a prosaic form has different impression than a poet says in a poetic manner.
The aim of prose is to instruct or to give information about truth and fact, and then it might give delight. It depends on the writers. On the other hand, the aim of poem is first to please and give delight, and then it might instruct the readers

2. Different between poem and poetry.
Poem is literary creation.and poem is forms of verbal expression.poetic activity is basically an activity of that imagination.
Poetry is the art form.poetry is an activity of the poet's minds.
For example

A carpenter makes different types of furniture- so,that carpentry is an art to create different type of furniture like chair,table etc.It is same way,a poet creates different poems,so poetry is an art to create different poems,like ,epic poems and sonnet etc.
''Poetry is the process and poem is the output''.

Words worth's preface

Words worth's preface

1. Though the video the concept of ‘Classicism’ and ‘Romanticism’ is clear now. The basic difference between the classicism and romanticism is that the former is based on intellect and the latter is based on imagination.
2)Poetic diction means the language used in poetry. According to Wordsworth, language of poetry should be " really used by men " .words used in everyday life gives a rough framework of the poetry, but if a poet is inspired then his imagination might be a disturbance to the use of language used by common people.

3. Diction Poetic means we may say that choice of language and words. In his theory of poetic diction , Wordsworth gave rustic colors to the poetic diction. And also there in new trend of writing poetry and there is new things that Romantic poet bring in their poetry. In his preface Wordsworth suggest his commitment to writing the ordinary language of people , not a highly crafted poetical one. Here also he mention that poems depicts realistic character like moral , in realistic situations. And also added the main point is that the language of poetry should be the language rally used by men, means language that is filtered by poet . and poet who gave color of imagination to the language .the language of poetry is heightened by feelings and emotions.
4. According to Wordsworth poet is a man who is a genius, a special person, capable of re-articulating thoughts and feelings. He has a greater knowledge of human mind.
5. In this poem as we can clearly see that the language used by him is simple one. The very first paragraph of the poem is written in the past tense and the last paragraph of the poem is written in the present tense. Means he was recollecting the spontaneous overflow in tranquility. He go to near to the nature and open his heart and start receiving and then he try to learn whatever he can and then create this wonderful poem.



1 ) I agree with Plato's objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative writers. because literature should give a mirror-image of life it should reflect real life incidents in itself. creative writers took it to another level and by freedom of expression and artistic liberty writer started writing the things which is only possible in imaginative world and not real life. Nowadays a TV show POURS is going on. In which the story of Purus is narrated but there are so many imaginative parts given. Like his life as a tribal people in childhood and then as king and the war between him and Alexander and many such things are not acceptable if we consider the real life story of maharajah Purshottam.

2) I have studied 'All My Sons' in BA program, and we can see this tragic drama as a classical tragedy. as per the definition which Aristotle has given, ''Tragedy is an imitation of an action....catharsis of some emotions''
miller's use of language is very artistic and most Joe Keller who has the catharsis, he finally comes to understand the true meaning of his actions.

3) In my B.A program i have studied “Othello” by William Shakespeare. It is not follow the Aristotelian Rules of tragedy in few things.According to Aristotle the hero of the tragedy may have belong to the upper class,but in “Othello” The hero or protagonist Othello belongs to lawyer class he is a black slave.

 4)I study to ' Othello '. Othello tells the story of a Moorish General in the Venetian army named Othello. Othello is married to Desdemona, we learn that Othello has two major enemies who plot to destroy him rendering, who is also in love with Desdemona, and Iago Othello 's employee over the course of the play ,Iago comes up with a scheme to trick Othello in to be living that Desdemona is cheating on him . In the end , Othello falls for Iago ' s sinister plot and winds up killing Desdemona then himself . Then Othello is tragic hero.
5)Yes, the plot of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulation proposed by Aristotle: for example, the plot of hairy ape as harmoniously built. We can observe the chronology of scene. As the first action takes plays at fire room and the ultimate setting is the cage of "Gorilla" that describes the struggle of "Yank"

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thinking activity: One night @ the call center

Thinking activity: One night @ the call center

  Hello,Reader This task given by Dilip Barad sir and this task is based on Chetan Bhagat's novel "one night @ the call center. click here

   1. Effect of globalization in the novel.
     what is Globalization ?
It describes the way countries and people of the world interact and integrate. Many things have become globalized as people come into contact. Economic globalization is how countries are coming together as one big global economy, making international trade easier.

   In the novel we see six characters and all characters are suffering from the globalization.  In economies problem.

    Shyam Mehara is protagonist character in the novel. He is known as Black sheep  according to his family. Because of he had not big job and his family's demanded to became engineer. They are wanted to big job and Career  from him. so, I think Shyam Mehara is suffering from Globalization. 

   Priyanka did not happy for her life. while she did not take her decision for marriage and career and she fall in love with Shyam. But her mother wants to marriage with well settled man. Her own suggestion is this. so, Priyanka also suffering from Globalization in her personal life, family, and parents and in the call center also. 

  Varun did not happy from the call center job. Because he hate of American call center, but he wants to worked for life. And he fall in love with Isha. so, Varun also suffering from call center and relationship.

  Isha; She wants to become successful model. And she leave her parents for her dream. She do job at night and in the call center. And in the day she fulfill her dream with became a model. Isha's model departments sir play with her emotions and use her as a thing. I think Isha is also suffering from Globalization. Because of her two goals are very difficult to achieve. Which are  her family and her career and that's why may be she suffer from it.

  Radhika; Of coerce, She is ffering from Globalization and also through some personal problems. Her mother in low and her husband are not faithful with her. Their relationship are with tension and depresion and rather than she doing job in the call center. 

   Militry uncle; He is always be lightly speacker and he wants to live alone, without his family. And it's reason is his son is modern thinker and his ideas are traditional and old lifestyle. I think he is also fight with with his family and lonleyness. May be he is suffering from the Globslization.

   So, I conclud my points with one simple abstract. All six characters are suffering from the Globalization in this novel. All have individual reasons for this pronlem and somehow they all are tourcherd with their parents, lover, son, momey, desire, job, social reasons also, career etc. so, I think this is my understanding on this perticular subject in this novel.     

2. One of the themes of the novel is its anti-American sentiments which are intertwined with Nationalism. Had you been God, what would have been your answer to Vroom when he said "If only you had given India as much as America!"?

If I am God than my answer for Varun's questions' answer. At first stop all the fights related to religion, politics, social, familiar, econonomical and superstitious. I suggest to indian people they will focus on self confidence, hard work, and chose own way to think and live with own choice of life. And stop to become emotional and don't be senseless by other people. 

3.  Yes  this is wright Chetan Bhagat sport of young generation people. He wright about youth problem and style. so youth sport of chetan bhagat.

4.Yes I talk about movie and novel different translate. Novel  in chaten bhagat travels in train and  Movie in travels helicopter. So I think about it is maser different . In novel Radhika give divorce of her husband but in movie in don't give divorce. So I think movie want to show about marriage in divorce is not importance . But bhagat want to present about marriage in divorce importance.

Thanks you all readers.

Friday, December 13, 2019

About Feature writing & Lead writing

  • About : Feature writing & Lead writing

  1. Hello friend This task given by vaidehi mam
#What is Journals

Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information. it is also the product of these activities.

#What is  Lead writing

In journalism, the beginning sentences of a news story are everything. Called leads or " ledes" they must convey essential information, set the tone and entice people to ઘcontinue reading.
Example: about firoj khan

Firoj khan is Sanskrit professor
He belongs to Muslim. He joined department of the Banaras Hindu University (BHU)  with Arts Faculty. BHu student opposing with firoj Khan because he did not hindu so student opposing with firoj Khan. Student belived Muslim did not teach Sanskrit.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Thinking activity: Chimamanda

  • Thinking activity: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Hello readers this task given by Dr.dilip barad sir.

About : Chimamanda

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie born on 15 September 1977. she is a Nigerian novelist, writer of short stories, and nonfiction,Noves. She was described in The Times Literary Supplement

  • Works.

  1. Purple Hibiscus. (2003)
  1. Half of a Yellow Sun (2006)
  1. Americanah (2013)
  1. Feminists (2014)

1. Whether you like or dislike views?

She writes a single story. She writes about feminist . She gives example of feminist while she study in primary school this time she want becomes class monitor so she get good marks in shool for moniter but teacher does not make monitor of Chimamanda because she is not male . And she gives more examples for feminist. And she study start to  2 year. She writes 7 to 8 years. She read  of English boos and write about English characters .so I like this view. And she writes about poor people and she visits of poor people village. She read many writers books. so she writes about very much deep .So I like to like view.

2.Has these views helped in better understanding of literature and life?

Yes of course these views helped in better understanding of literature and life while feminist. She gives many examples of feminist . I think by feminist and African culture better understanding of literature and life. 

 3.Can you connect these talks with Post Colonial studies and African literature?

African people is colonial people. This country is very poor. And this country does fight with American people. American have economic power . So African people don't fight with American people. Chimamanda write about African people conditions. 


Monday, December 2, 2019

Arundhanti Roy's novel


She is Indian author, actress,and political activist she is born on 24 November 1961.

Works: 1)The God of small things
2) The ministry of utmost..
3) my seditious Heart.
4) The doctor and the saint.

Arundhanti Roy's is good author and she write about real life in the novel. multipal situations in the novel. But use full for gernknowlege and literature. she write novel true. Discuss about two novel 1) the God of small things. and 2) The ministry of utmost happiness. She writeing style easy and simple. novel in many characters and situations. She write about politics,cast system, partition,curruption, and movement.

1)The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

Her second novel is depends on the political things. I think her view are appropriate and somehow people are agree with her opinions. The ministry of utmost happiness is Roy's second novel , is in habited by cohorts of others : Hijras , Political rebels , the poor people and poorty , women who will not know thair place and abandoned baby girls . The novel has various liveliness like feminism , reality of life , society , culture and most affected point is that political issue.

2) Roy's novel "The God of Small Things" In 

 I find some social problems, and how life is going on with the exception of people. It is her first novel of India and this novel tells about twins. Both are destroyed by the " Love lows" that lay down and who should be loved and how much. She described that how small things affect people's behavior and their lives. For this novel Roy won the Booker prize in 1997 and of course it will be very popular book or novel.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thinking activity: Education and Technology

  • Thinking activity in ELT -2

Hello, readers it is task given by Dr. Dilip barad sir Link here

1. Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigm

Every country is reforming public education. There two reason for it

1) Economic
2) culture

1). We economic people are trying to work out how do we educate our children to take their place in the economies of the 21 st century.

2) every country is trying to figure out how we educate our children so they have a sense of cultural identity and so that we can pass on the cultural

3)In his talk he mention the Idea of concentration in children’s. So what are the reasons behind that children not paying attention in class, while teacher teach the things. So it is called ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), It means Children with ADHD maybe hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention.

4) Revolution: Many people object to it they said it's not possible for many street kids; like working class children. Assumptions about social structure and capacity of the time. Academic ability and intellectual model of the mind. He says that two types of public education:1)Academic
2)Non academic .Here are the concept of smartness and well educated people and not smart people like villagers. Two pillars of the public education:

Video 2:Sugata Mitra: School in the cloud- SOLE

Sugata mitra talks about future of learning. He say about school learning. Where did it come from present school learning . It come from about 300 year ago and the biggest of the empires on this plant.

And he talks about Victorian created a global computer mad up of people. He say the Victorian were great engineers
He say about own accident he used to teach people how to write computer program in New Delhi 14 year ago. Many reach parents in computer program they say about our children are extra intelligent.  So sugata mitra think about poor children so he keeps computer out side for poor children don't know computer and English language. So he formula success children found them browsing and teaching each other.

He talks about neuroscience  The reptilian part of  our brain which sits in the center of our brain, when it's threatened it shuts down everything else it shuts down the prefrontal cortex the parts which learn it shuts all of that down.
Punishment and examinations are see as threats.
We talk our children we make them shut their brains down and then we say a perform
Why did they create a system like that? 
He say the student don't need of teacher.

Video 3: Sugata Mitra: Future of Learning

1)British national curriculum-2013. When we use mobile phone in bus, school or any - public places then we become unti- social, then people don't like. They don't text all the time they search a lot they continuously learn from these machines.
2)When teachers are friends
- Curriculum, pedagogy & Examinations can be rolled into one because we don't need to separate them.

Video 4:Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education

They present different types of videos examples. Teachers says that we have used your videos to flip the classroom. " And this could happened in every classroom in America . Computers programming like Grammar, maths, etc... Everything is here what students wants Wants to learn through videos?
Video 5: Marc Prensky: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

1) Education  in U  S. & education system.
Digitals technology in the 21st century.
Various tools of digital age.
5,000 hours of their lives reading.
 20, 000 hours watching T.V., computer games, email the internet cell phones and instant messages are integral parts of their lives.
One here for video games and 30 tasks which can take from 15 minutes to several hours.
2)One here for video games and 30 tasks which can take from 15 minutest to several hours. Tam said's you tainment to date have essentially bailed from both the education and entertainment perspective. We can & will I predict do much better in math for example....
-Classical philosophy & game.

Video 6: for Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on English:

Technology is part of our life and with the help of that tools like Facebook, twitter, Etc.. it can help to learn new things, and also English language.

Video 7:David Crystal: The biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of...

 Worldwide opportunity - English languages
People chose American & British English. Make your self ready to do anything.
 Two jobs - Translating & interpreting and secondly language teaching. ( reason ) is because no aspect of human behaviour is more complex than language.

8video:Crystal: Texting is "Good" for English language

A technology which gives you standing opportunities to practice reading & writing admittedly it's on a phone admittedly there's only 160 characters & so on so forth but it's still practice in reading & writing. (More resources)The more you text the better your literary scores right & the earlier you get your mobile phone for

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The task was evaluate three web resources of occasionally use by students for academic purpose

  • The task was evaluate three web resources of occasionally use by students for academic purpose.
 This task give by Dilip bard.

  • One night @the call centre by Che tan bhagat(2005)



2.Educational value:4



5. Quality:3

  • Description

       Site give good information about education. It is helpful for study. 

2) spark note


2.Educational value:3



5. Quality :2

  • Description

I don't get good information in spark note for study. In no authority.

3) Dilip bard blog


2.Educational value:3


5. Quality :3

  • Description. 
       I get good information for study. I use for more information my topics.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Robinson Crusoe the Colonial and post-Colonial concept...

Robinson Crusoe the Colonial and post-colonial to concept...

Robinson is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. Robinson follows Christianity and he becomes colonizer on the island. Robinson Crusoe stands for the English imperialism, capitalism and more specifically the Colonialism. Robinson left his motherland in quest of fortune which is one of the prime motto of English

colonization. Robinson Crusoe represents a prototype of a culture, a religion, and an ideology. Colonial representation relies on political images which are constructed by the ideas of power and domination over

"other". Robinson Crusoe in we find relationship between Robinson and Friday. They become master and slave. Robinson teach language to Friday and make rules for him. One is becomes ruler and another becomes follower. Somehow 'A grain of Wheats' talks about this types of relationship

And I find that Uhuru or freedom is like physically and mentally both, but sometimes people will become physically free not mentally free; like Friday in the 'Robinson Crusoe'. Master Robinson gives language, words, sense, teach well behavior to Friday in the novel.

Robinson wants to be will become master of Friday and he feels like he is king of this island. Friday follow his master's rules and timetable also. He will become mentally and physically slave for Robinson on the island. So, here I find the colonial concept of A grain of wheat.

Thank you

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Thinking activity on mass media and communication

  • Thinking activity on mass media and communication

  • What is mass media ?

the media."criminal activity has received heavy coverage in the mass media"

My favourite mass media platform for communication is "News paper". people can get all information by news paper. Newspapers provide information and general knowledge. Reading newspaper makes a good habit and it is already part of the modern life.  Newspapers provide news about a country's economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade and commerce.

Reading newspaper is a good habit that can provide a great sense of educational value. It carries information about politics, economy, entertainment, sports, business, industry, trade and commerce. With this habit, it will not only enhance your knowledge

I have habits of reading daily newspapers. It is helpful for me while I know about sport, job,

Reading newspapers will improve my knowledge in general and it will be easy for  me to relate to  people who often talks about current events and politics. Of course, there are televisions and radios that also bring current news but it do not provide detailed information as newspaper does.

Newspaper is an important part of our life. Yes, it’s not looking that much important after digital evolution but people who know its importance still buying and reading. 

Thank you

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Postcolonial p_ 11

Topic: Critical analysis of “Orientalism”
Name: Nasim Gaha
Roll: 22
Email id:
Enrolment no: 2069108420190014
Submitted to Department of English MKUBU.

About Edward Said
Born in Palestine in 1935, Said was educated first in Jerusalem and Cairo and then at Princeton and Harvard. He joined the faculty at Columbia University as a professor of English and comparative literature in 1981 where he continued to research, write and teach until his death in 2003.

About Edward Said; Orientalism
         "Orientalism” is a way of seeing that imagines, emphasizes, exaggerates and distorts differences of Arab peoples and cultures as compared to that of Europe and the U.S. It often involves seeing Arab culture as exotic, backward, uncivilized, and at times dangerous. Edward W. Said, in his groundbreaking book, Orientalism, defined it as the acceptance in the West of “the basic distinction between East and West as the starting point for elaborate theories, epics, novels, social descriptions, and political accounts concerning the Orient, its people, customs, ‘mind,’ destiny and so on.”According to Said, Orientalism dates from the period of European Enlightenment and colonization of the Arab World. Orientalism provided a rationalization for European colonialism based on a self-serving history in which “the West” constructed “the East” as extremely different and inferior, and therefore in need of Western intervention or “rescue
               The “East” as differentiated from the “West”, which includes the Middle East, Near East, Central Asia, South Asia and the Far East, is today top of mind with news breaking in a stream of anxiety, fear, economic and political pressures, social conflict, unrest and war. When one does a WorldCat.Org search for the keyword “Orientalism” one is presented with over 16,000 entries, including over 7,000 peer-reviewed articles. A Google search returns over 870,000 listings. Clearly, Edward Said hit a worldwide nerve when he published Orientalism in 1979. Said opens by defining Orientalism as three interdependent ideas. First he states, “The most readily accepted designation for Orientalism is an academic one … Anyone who teaches, writes about, or researches the Orient – and this applies whether the person is an anthropologist, sociologist, historian, or philologist … is an Orientalist, and what he or she does is Orientalism.” Second, “Orientalism is a style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between “the Orient” and (most of the time) “the Occident.”  Here he presents a key duopolistic theme repeated and expanded upon throughout the book. Said’s third meaning, “Which is something more historically and materially defined than either of the other two. … Orientalism can be discussed and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the Orient – dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it, ruling over it: in short, Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient.”  And with this third                                                              definition, Said references Michel Foucault’s ideas about discourse as a source of power, and how one can reveal the hierarchies of power structures through the analysis of texts. Knowledge is power, or if you’d rather, texualized discourse is power.  Said proceeds to outline his methodology for the book and adds a personal dimension, ending with a resonate statement, calling out his own secular humanism, “If this stimulates a new kind of dealing with the Orient, indeed if it eliminates the “Orient” and “Occidental” altogether, then we shall have advanced a little in the process of what Raymond Williams has called the “unlearning” of “the inherent dominative mode.”  This aspiration desire that people can and should work to obliterate (or eliminate) the duopolistic and negative results of seeing the world as East or West, European or Asiatic, Oriental or Occidental, ‘us’ or ‘them’, is reiterated throughout Said’s text. It is a fundamentally important point that one should keep in mind while reading his analysis, since it is a hopeful consideration that mitigates some of his harsher social criticisms.
Thornton Wilder is considered one of America's most important authors, although The Matchmaker is not generally thought of as one of his most important works. Taken as an evening's entertainment, the play has always been well respected by critics. Negative views have only come when critics have thought the work of such an important author should do more.
Wilder's place in American literature is secure, if only because he is the only writer to have won Pulitzer Prizes for both fiction (for The Bridge of San Luis Rey) and drama (for both Our Town and The Skin of Our Teeth). Overall, his reputation as a dramatist has held up better than that as a novelist.
The Bridge of San Luis Rey is still required reading in literature classes, but it is seldom read outside of schools, and his other novels have disappeared. Our Town, on the other hand, remains one of the most enduring and most frequently performed works in America, performed by over four hundred amateur groups each year. Wilder's first critical and popular success came with The Bridge of San Luis Rey in 1927. Not only did it win the Pulitzer, but it sold millions of copies. Just three years later, though, a critical backlash began with a 1930 article by Michael Gold for the New Republic and a second article he wrote later that year for New Masses, in which he said, "Yes, Wilder writes perfect English. But he has nothing to say in that perfect English. He is a beautiful, rouged, well-dressed corpse, lying among the sacred candles and lilies of the past, sure to stink if exposed to the sunlight." His criticism struck a chord with other reviewers, who began taking Wilder to task for his failure to address complex social problems. As Jackson Bryer explained the critics' complaints in his essay commemorating Wilder's one-hundredth birthday, "What these critics were saying was that Wilder was not sufficiently attuned to the problems of his day, that by setting his novels in remote times and places, he was ignoring the present." Bryer went on to explain that it had to be that way. Unlike other major writers of the day, such as Faulkner or Hemingway, Wilder grew up in different places on different continents, and so he had no place that he could feel deep in his heart was his own. It was natural for him to set his fictions in different times and places, even though some critics took this as a sign of aloofness. The most obvious distancing mechanism is the surly personality of the play's main character, Horace Vandergelder. Certainly, there are elements to his character that anyone can relate to, but just as certainly there are not people coming away from the theater telling themselves, "He's like me." He is a curmudgeon, a crank, and a tightwad, too money conscious to recognize true love and too stingy to let his employees have one evening off out of the week. He distrusts the young, but he also has no respect for the law. He parts with cash sparingly, a few dollars here and there, but he carries a huge amount in his purse, which he is surprisingly careless enough to lose. In short, he is a compilation of unpleasant human traits, which would make him a fine secondary character. As the lead, he serves to remind audiences of the extremist nature of comic characters. Putting Horace Vandergelder in the middle of the play is like focusing a movie camera so tightly on a science fiction monster that a zipper in the back of the suit eventually shows.
      Because Wilder had, by the time The Matchmaker was produced, won two Pulitzers and established himself as a fixture of the American literary scene, reviewers had to lower their expectations in order to think of the play in the right sense. As Rex Burbank was to put it in his overview of Wilder's career in 1961, "There is less claim to serious attention and contemplation in this play than in any of Wilder's other full-length works; and it should be enjoyed for what it is—a farce." The lack of social insight that became a rallying cry against Wilder in the 1930s helps readers understand the spirit of The Matchmaker, according to Burbank: "one enjoys laughing at Vandergelder's absurdities but is not constrained to give much thought to their social or ethical significance."