Monday, December 30, 2019

Thinking activity about culture studies

Reflective blogg on Cultural studies by Dr. Kalyani Vallat. This work shop organization on Friday 27 December at department of English m. k. Bhavnagar University by Dr Dilip barad sir. It is interesting and knowledgeable for me. I know very well about culture studies. Dr kaliyani taught about culture studies with example and enjoy.

What is my understanding about the concept of culture studies ?
   I gave simple example about culture. People of  the custom. People's lives of style. While people's food, clothes, house. All people culture is different. Rural and city culture different. Poor and Rich people culture are different. And county culture's different. Mam gave many examples . She told all people coming is very different. She visits Manny country. He gave many examples of traveling. When he go to Singapore that time she did not get  food of vegetarian. And gave many people of food and custom. 

she touched upon topics like ;

• What is cultural studies?
• The Beginning of cultural studies
• About Pioneers
• Circuit of culture
• Major influences
• Cultural Intermediaries
• Popular culture studies
• Subculture studies
• public sphere
• Post Trauma Studies
• Queer study

# Examples which we get cathchy from lecture:-

• So, first at all I want to say that she has taken many examples from our routine life ,from a middle class family. She is taking very much relevant and real or silly examples which we can easily understood.Here I like two examples of her own life one at Singapore and second at Aasam , both place she has to sacrifice for food.As we know that Cultural studie is also developing of updating with today's time. On more thing that whatever matter she is telling is directly connect with cultural studies. She don't talk only about high classes's culture but also middle class stream which which she is dealing.She has taken example of water bottle from which she is gone to drink but suddenly she look bottle as example and well discuss about political act . We learnt that how cultural studies connect with our Perspective, Tradition, society,our own experience and etc

And I get certificate of work shop about culture studies

Thanks my all readers

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