Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thinking activity: Education and Technology

  • Thinking activity in ELT -2

Hello, readers it is task given by Dr. Dilip barad sir Link here

1. Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigm

Every country is reforming public education. There two reason for it

1) Economic
2) culture

1). We economic people are trying to work out how do we educate our children to take their place in the economies of the 21 st century.

2) every country is trying to figure out how we educate our children so they have a sense of cultural identity and so that we can pass on the cultural

3)In his talk he mention the Idea of concentration in children’s. So what are the reasons behind that children not paying attention in class, while teacher teach the things. So it is called ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), It means Children with ADHD maybe hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Or they may have trouble paying attention.

4) Revolution: Many people object to it they said it's not possible for many street kids; like working class children. Assumptions about social structure and capacity of the time. Academic ability and intellectual model of the mind. He says that two types of public education:1)Academic
2)Non academic .Here are the concept of smartness and well educated people and not smart people like villagers. Two pillars of the public education:

Video 2:Sugata Mitra: School in the cloud- SOLE

Sugata mitra talks about future of learning. He say about school learning. Where did it come from present school learning . It come from about 300 year ago and the biggest of the empires on this plant.

And he talks about Victorian created a global computer mad up of people. He say the Victorian were great engineers
He say about own accident he used to teach people how to write computer program in New Delhi 14 year ago. Many reach parents in computer program they say about our children are extra intelligent.  So sugata mitra think about poor children so he keeps computer out side for poor children don't know computer and English language. So he formula success children found them browsing and teaching each other.

He talks about neuroscience  The reptilian part of  our brain which sits in the center of our brain, when it's threatened it shuts down everything else it shuts down the prefrontal cortex the parts which learn it shuts all of that down.
Punishment and examinations are see as threats.
We talk our children we make them shut their brains down and then we say a perform
Why did they create a system like that? 
He say the student don't need of teacher.

Video 3: Sugata Mitra: Future of Learning

1)British national curriculum-2013. When we use mobile phone in bus, school or any - public places then we become unti- social, then people don't like. They don't text all the time they search a lot they continuously learn from these machines.
2)When teachers are friends
- Curriculum, pedagogy & Examinations can be rolled into one because we don't need to separate them.

Video 4:Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education

They present different types of videos examples. Teachers says that we have used your videos to flip the classroom. " And this could happened in every classroom in America . Computers programming like Grammar, maths, etc... Everything is here what students wants Wants to learn through videos?
Video 5: Marc Prensky: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

1) Education  in U  S. & education system.
Digitals technology in the 21st century.
Various tools of digital age.
5,000 hours of their lives reading.
 20, 000 hours watching T.V., computer games, email the internet cell phones and instant messages are integral parts of their lives.
One here for video games and 30 tasks which can take from 15 minutes to several hours.
2)One here for video games and 30 tasks which can take from 15 minutest to several hours. Tam said's you tainment to date have essentially bailed from both the education and entertainment perspective. We can & will I predict do much better in math for example....
-Classical philosophy & game.

Video 6: for Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on English:

Technology is part of our life and with the help of that tools like Facebook, twitter, Etc.. it can help to learn new things, and also English language.

Video 7:David Crystal: The biggest challenge for English language teachers in the times of...

 Worldwide opportunity - English languages
People chose American & British English. Make your self ready to do anything.
 Two jobs - Translating & interpreting and secondly language teaching. ( reason ) is because no aspect of human behaviour is more complex than language.

8video:Crystal: Texting is "Good" for English language

A technology which gives you standing opportunities to practice reading & writing admittedly it's on a phone admittedly there's only 160 characters & so on so forth but it's still practice in reading & writing. (More resources)The more you text the better your literary scores right & the earlier you get your mobile phone for

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The task was evaluate three web resources of occasionally use by students for academic purpose

  • The task was evaluate three web resources of occasionally use by students for academic purpose.
 This task give by Dilip bard.

  • One night @the call centre by Che tan bhagat(2005)



2.Educational value:4



5. Quality:3

  • Description

       Site give good information about education. It is helpful for study. 

2) spark note


2.Educational value:3



5. Quality :2

  • Description

I don't get good information in spark note for study. In no authority.

3) Dilip bard blog


2.Educational value:3


5. Quality :3

  • Description. 
       I get good information for study. I use for more information my topics.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Robinson Crusoe the Colonial and post-Colonial concept...

Robinson Crusoe the Colonial and post-colonial to concept...

Robinson is a novel written by Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe leaves the island 19 December 1686 and arrives in England on 11 June 1687. Robinson follows Christianity and he becomes colonizer on the island. Robinson Crusoe stands for the English imperialism, capitalism and more specifically the Colonialism. Robinson left his motherland in quest of fortune which is one of the prime motto of English

colonization. Robinson Crusoe represents a prototype of a culture, a religion, and an ideology. Colonial representation relies on political images which are constructed by the ideas of power and domination over

"other". Robinson Crusoe in we find relationship between Robinson and Friday. They become master and slave. Robinson teach language to Friday and make rules for him. One is becomes ruler and another becomes follower. Somehow 'A grain of Wheats' talks about this types of relationship

And I find that Uhuru or freedom is like physically and mentally both, but sometimes people will become physically free not mentally free; like Friday in the 'Robinson Crusoe'. Master Robinson gives language, words, sense, teach well behavior to Friday in the novel.

Robinson wants to be will become master of Friday and he feels like he is king of this island. Friday follow his master's rules and timetable also. He will become mentally and physically slave for Robinson on the island. So, here I find the colonial concept of A grain of wheat.

Thank you

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Thinking activity on mass media and communication

  • Thinking activity on mass media and communication

  • What is mass media ?

the media."criminal activity has received heavy coverage in the mass media"

My favourite mass media platform for communication is "News paper". people can get all information by news paper. Newspapers provide information and general knowledge. Reading newspaper makes a good habit and it is already part of the modern life.  Newspapers provide news about a country's economic situation, sports, games, entertainment, trade and commerce.

Reading newspaper is a good habit that can provide a great sense of educational value. It carries information about politics, economy, entertainment, sports, business, industry, trade and commerce. With this habit, it will not only enhance your knowledge

I have habits of reading daily newspapers. It is helpful for me while I know about sport, job,

Reading newspapers will improve my knowledge in general and it will be easy for  me to relate to  people who often talks about current events and politics. Of course, there are televisions and radios that also bring current news but it do not provide detailed information as newspaper does.

Newspaper is an important part of our life. Yes, it’s not looking that much important after digital evolution but people who know its importance still buying and reading. 

Thank you