Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fims Review: Midnight's children's and The Reluctant Fundamentalist and The black prince

1) midnight's children

It is a related with postcolonial study and very best example to study of postcolonial.
Story begin with first world war and with India's democracy is very darkest decision like Emergency. Also speak about three generations story. Here author explain his experience and relate with Nation born. Nation and protagonist both are born on at same time. Two Main character are there Salim and Shiv and and Meri change the destiny of both the child and how the tragedy occurs between the children's life are portrayed here
The Midnight Children film is a controversial potboiler that has tragedy, romance and comedy. A journey of two individuals through the tragic disasters, trials and triumphs gives you an incomparable experience of watching India in the early years of Independence .Here, also the good use of background music which symbolize many thing, the nose of Ghani family also a symbol. The narrative techniques also used in very good way to understand the story. And also a camera focus was excellent, while the Tajmahal scene came that time camera focused more on the poor conditioned house rather than Tajmahal. So, here film tried to show the real India through camera technique.

2)The Reluctant fundamental

The Reluctant Fundamentalist a novel written by Pakistani Writer Mohsin Hamid and then adopted in film directed by Mira Nair in 2014. The story is about the young man Changez Khan who attracted to American Business culture. He was an intellectual and respected person in American wall street business company. The Reluctant Fundamentalist a novel written by Pakistani Writer Mohsin Hamid and then adopted in film directed by Mira Nair in 2014. The story is about the young man Changez Khan who attracted to American Business culture. He was an intellectual and respected person in American wall street business company. This is what postcolonial study is reflecting. To look at things and to believe is not an easy task. One must have to see the gaps in literature, in history. There must be retailing of past so that some minor things which are not taken into consideration should get reflected. We have to look at minor narratives rather than meta narrative in understanding the things in better way.

3) The black prince

The Black Prince is a 2017 international historical drama film directed by Kavi Raz and featuring the acting debut of Satinder Sartaaj. It tells the story of Duleep Singh, the last Maharajah of the Sikh Empire and the Punjab area, and his relationship with Queen Victoria.The story revolves around the young prince as he attempts both to regain his throne and reconcile himself with the two cultures of his Indian birth and British education.Here in movie we find issues like ; Skin colour, Difference or classism among Black people and white people,post colonialism, political power,About queen Victoria and his power. Duleep Singh is eventually able to reestablish contact with his mother and as a result begins to reconnect with the culture of his birth. Duleep attempts to return to India to reclaim his kingdom, but is continually thwarted by British colonial politics.Edward never became king - he died before his father, Edward III - he is remembered as a great medieval military hero, with notable victories against the French in the Hundred Years War.In the movie prince Duleepsingh play roll as a protagonist. Movie reflected good side of British government though providing so many things for prince but Prince always prefers conman life. Mother of the princes also hate British government and people.



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