Monday, September 2, 2019

Thinking activity on " Existentialism "

Video - 1 What is Existentialism ?

Nietzsche, Kafka, Dostoevsky, shestov , Heidegger, Sartve, Beauvoir, Hesse , Short story,

They all have different point of view about existentialism. Some believe in good and some not believe in God. Existentialism is about the individuality, passion and freedom.

Video - 2 The myth of Sisyphus

An Absurd Reasoning
There is only one Philosophical problem is suicide.
When we think life is worthless, then we think about suicide.
Suicide is individual act.
The relationship between individual thought and suicide.
Best example is movie
How did he kill himself ?
An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art .
Healthy man thought is death or suicide
Hope or suicide .
Life is Meaningless
In there a logic to the point death ?
Only the Absurd Reasoning.

Video - 3 The Myth of Sisyphus

The Notion of Philosophical suicide. This video talked about the philosophical suicide and this problem come out from A total absence of hope, A continual rejection and conscious dissatisfaction. From this method people escaped from absurd life.

Video - 4 Dadaism Nihilism

From this video I like the idea of dadaism and it's quest for change. And also the Nietzsche's description about the movement.

Video - 5 Existentialism - a gloomy philosophy.Is Existentialism is gloomy philosophy? Every life is full of anxiety, despair and absurdity, but we are free to choose our own path of living. Every individual choose his/her way of life but when result is not good then they escape from this situation that is not fair practice. Existentialism is differ from Nihilism. After world war-2 People's life became miserable and full of despair. Everyone tried to find the meaning of life.

Video-6 Much difference between Existentialism and Nihilism.

Existentialism believe in subjectivity like individuality, nothingness, absurd life while Nihilism believe in objectivity like everything is illusion in life.

Video - 7 Let us Introduction Existentialism Again !

From this video I like the idea that to view as Existentialism not as philosophical system but to see it as philosophical movement.

Video - 8 Example like I am Five

Not believe any kind of rule and regulation which made by society government justice system any other.
Believe in your own system make on your rule and regulation.

Video - 9 Why I like Existentialism ?

Existentialism is a way of life and understand life deeply. Existentialism says about what I am. Eric Dodson said that it is honest and shows reality of life and accept your fault and your abilities.

Video 10 let sum up:There is a difference between essentialism and existentialism. As a human being only after the birth we can decide our essence by our choice.

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