Saturday, September 21, 2019

Movie Review The great dictator

  • Movie review : The great dictator 

 literature We saw movie of " The Great Dictator" by Charlie Chaplin at department of English. We get lot of enjoyed and learn something new from the movie.

 As a part of the modern The Great Dictator is an outstanding classic film by Charlie Chaplin. This controversial masterpiece offers both a cutting caricature of Hitler and sly tweaking of his own comic persona.

Chaplin’s film made huge cultural waves around the world except in Germany. This movie was set in a fictitious country called Tomainia and it was obviously Germany. In this movie two major roles: Adenoid Hynkel(dictator) and Jewish barber were played by Charlie Chaplin.

Love and Woman voice:- In the movie Barber falls in love with a neighbor and beautiful girl 'Hannah' and both are try to resist against military forces. Why both are fights with them? because they all are faced some trouble of the system. In the movie both are love each-other. Hannah was a planed to marry with him but both saw to flesh back then they remembering some thing like rules of love. They can't love each other freely. So many times increased question that Why government take interest in public's personal life ? here I found Woman mostly working for man and She work in shop of barber and she also goes to selling potato. In the last scene one man tonsured woman but She can't do anything.

"Ghetto" is area and marked of Jewish people in Europe which hews were permitted to live there. in many times ghettos were places of terrible poverty and during periods of population growth. here in the movie i could find they had narrow streets and small, crowded house rather than another. same as in nowadays poor, low caste people even

villages don't have comfortable houses. Ghetto is for rich people area.

The modern times, it also ends with the hope of better coming. The last setting of the movie was also far from urban life.



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