Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Webquest activity: Harry Potter

Hello Readers. This task about Web-quest activity: Harry Potter  given by professor Dilip Bard here

1) Feminist Reading in Harry Potter.

There are so many female characters in the series which are different from each other. Like some are strong, some are soft, girlish ,fearful

1)Hermione Granger

She is very smart and bravely girl. She  is protogonist character. She spot her friends Harry potter and Ron. She clever girl. She have more knowledge of history. she love of reading and animals. she gives all questions of answers. she spot her friends by history knowledge. she loves of Ron. when Ron attracted other girls so Hermione very feel jvelous. 

2) Ginny Weasley

she is not center character but she is love of Harry. she attracted with other boy. she is Ron sister. she belongs Wesley family.
Ginny is one of the characters that experiences the most development from book one to book seven. In Sorcerer’s Stone, she is very taken with Harry and is very shy. This carries on to Chamber of Secrets, when she first goes to Hogwarts. Each time we see her, she seems to be alone, and doesn’t associate herself with many people other than her brothers. By the end of the series, Ginny is a major character and leader. She goes through a few boyfriends, and it is apparent that she has overcome her shyness and is not obsessing over Harry.

Minerva McGonagall

As head of Gryffindor house, Minerva McGonagall is one of Harry’s strictest professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She’s scary and stern but always fair, even when it comes to taking points away from her own house. When push comes to shove, however, McGonagall is one of the most loving and compassionate characters in the series and when it comes to the war against Voldemort's, she’s one of the most powerful and badass witches protecting Hogwarts and its students.

2)Discourse on the purity of blood and Harry potter

Pure blood, Half blood and Mud blood, these are the terms which are used in the Harry Potter books. These terms are to discriminate people, and also to show power of related to blood. Every where there is concept of superior and inferior, the base might differ. Here the base is blood. People in Harry Potter series used to think that those who have belongingness to pure blood family, have more talent and those who doesn’t belongs don’t have talent. But here making hero Half blood and Hermione, Mud blood, J. K. Rowling is showing very clearly her stance. So it proves that talent can not be inherited, it should be acquired. Secondly pure blood don’t give certificate of goodness in person. We can clearly see that Malfoys who belongs to Pure blood family are in the favour of Voldemort and Harry who is Half blood and Hermione who is Mud blood they are fighting against the evil. So everything does not come with blood.

 3) Confronting reality by reading fantasy:

Harry Potter series not only to entertain but to provide readers with a real-world moral framework that explicitly encompasses race-related issues. Fantasy story could be the reality of our own world. In this series, we can find author tells many problems like Educations systems ( Practical vs Theory), Politics, Master-slave relations, Racial, caste and class problems ( Blood issues) etc, in the terms of fantasy.

4) Self-help culture and Harry Potter:

Harry Potter is not only a Children literature it is packed with interesting ideas and insights. Harry's journey from childhood to his Young age teach us various important or life long messages. When I watched Harry Potter series as Academic activity I found it more helpful to build confidence, to get rid from fear and fight for ultimate truth or justice. Harry is gifted one though he fight for prove himself. It shows his real heroism. Thus, Harry is moderate person not believe that all done by him and Heroism comes with Modesty not with I, Me and Myself.

5)The discourse of power and politics

Harry Potter' is popular. But where is the politics? At the most explicit levels Rowling provides the readers with a outline of a political system: the ministry of magic. This parallel political system is kept secret from the ―non-magic people the ―Muggle. Harry
Potter presents at multiple levels the different manifestations of power. There is the struggle between power and ethics showed through the war between the death eaters and the Wizading community. There are other structures of power like the headmaster Dumbledore and professorslike Snape, Umbridge enforcing disciplinary methods like detention and other punishments.
In his ―History of Sexuality Foucault approaches the concept of power in this manner:
“ power is everywhere, not because it embraces everything but because it comes from everywhere. And power insofar is repetitious, inert and self-reproducing…power is not an institution, not a structure; neither is it a certain strength we are endowed with it; it is the name of a complex strategical situation in a particular society .

All say It is children literature But it is not true because harry potter not only represent children Literature but Harry potter series represent politics, power and power of journalism  . We can see in present time politic power and power of journalism.  J.K.Rowling represent to present time . Now religion is big  problem.     

1) most welcome my web-quest activity Click Here

2) welcome my Rubric. Click Here

3) Welcome my mini review Click Here

Thanks you all readers

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