Monday, October 7, 2019

Then and Now Colonialism, Imperialism and Post Colonialism

  • Then and Now Colonialism, Imperialism and Post Colonialism

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  1. What is colonialism?

According to Oxford dictionary-
Colonial word comes from the Roman ‘colonia’ which meant ‘farm’ or ‘settlement’, and referred to Romans who settled in other lands but still retained their citizenship.

Pitterbarry mentioned this words-
ADOPT: Write upon Western Writers.
ADAPT: To get Mastery upon anything.
ADEPT: Write upon Indian.

he Origin of Colonialism:-
Colonialism was a borrowed term to differentiate it from other types of expansionism. The word “colony” is borrowed from the Latin word colonia which means “a place for agriculture.” From the eleventh to eighteen centuries, the Vietnamese people founded colonies outside their place which they later absorbed through a process called namtien.
Ancient and Modern Colonialism:The ancient type of colonialism gave birth to the modern colonialism which came into effect during the “Age of Discovery” where the Spain and Portugal discovered the South and Central Americas during their sea traveling. They established trading centers and amassed the surrounding areas as a way of expanding their control. This establishment of colonies away from their home continent differentiated other forms of expansionism from colonialism. Subsequently, during the 17th century other nations were motivated to move overseas to establish their rule. France created the French colonial empire, Britain formed British empire, and Germany established Dutch empire.

What is Imperialism?

Imperialism, state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas. Because it always involves the use of power, whether military force or some subtler form, imperialism has often been considered morally reprehensible, and the term is frequently employed in international propaganda to denounce and discredit an opponent’s foreign policy.
This post -Structuralist perspective is seen in the work of such representative figures as Henry Louis Gates, Gayatri spivak, Edward said. This study makes possibility for super reader. Colonialism and imperialism both are often used interchangeably. In imperialism Dominalion by Empire belief in empire building. Like colonialism, imperialism too is best understood not by trying to pin it down to a single semantic meaning but by relating it's shifting meanings to historical process.• Colonialism/Postcolonialism discusses this question, situating postcolonial studies in relation to globalization and new imperial formations.postcolonial studies had already become, in the words of Stuart Hall, ‘the bearer of such powerful unconscious investments – a sign of desire for some, and equally for others, a signified of danger’. The so-called global war on terror, and the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, it is harder than ever to see our world as simply ‘postcolonial'.One another main point is that globalization as it has been imposed upon the world by institutions like the World Bank and the IMF
Effects of Colonization:-As mentioned, post-colonialism asks the reader to enter a text through the post-colonial lens. The chart will help you see how to approach a post-colonial reading of a text. As a reader, you would look for the effects of colonialism and how they are addressed through the plot, setting, and characters' actions.

what is post colonialism?

According to Oxford dictionary-
“The study of the cultures of countries and regions, especially in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, whose histories are marked by colonialism, anti-colonial movements, and the transition to independence during the 20th century, and the study of their present-day influence on the societies and cultures of former colonizers.”.
As simple way we can say that Post- colonialism is a study on the effects of colonialism and societies concerned with both how European nations conquered and controlled Third world country.
Post- colonialism is study of culture, identity, society, politics, economic and self reflection.
Ania Loomba mentioned this definition-
To begin with, the prefix ‘post’ complicates matters because it implies an ‘aftermath’ in two senses—temporal, as in coming after, and ideological, as in supplanting.
Globalization and future of post Colonial study-
As we see colonialism effect as we see globalization for they were exploited works. Nicano Apaza say - 'Globalization is just another name for submission and domination.
According to my understanding colonialism – Before 1947 we (India) were colonied by British their civilization effected on Indian. Now colonialism effect most everywhere for example we used mobile phone, television, email, Google, clothes , game like cricket etc. So now as Indian we are colonied not free from as thinking also.
The term is not only inadequate to the task of defining contemporary realities in the once-colonised countries, and vague in terms of indicating a specific period of history, but may also cloud the internal social and racial differences of many societies. Spanish colonies in Latin America, for example, became ‘mixed’ societies, in which local born whites (or ‘creoles’) and mestizos, or ‘hybrids’, dominated the native working population. Hybrid or mestizaje here included a complex internal hierarchy within various mixed peoples.
For example Midnight’s Children movie protagonist character Saleem has hybrid identity.

Thank you......

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