Saturday, October 5, 2019

Thinking activity on Modernism and Modernist poem.

  • Thinking activity on Modernism and Modernist poem.

Hello Everyone welcome to my blog, here I am going to share my view upon given task. This task was about modernism and modernist poem. We have to find modernist symbol, metaphor and imagery from the very short poem. Before starting let's know that what is modernism?

Modernism is both a philosophical movement and an art movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the factors that shaped modernism were the development of modern industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed then by reactions of horror to World War I. Modernism also rejected the certainty of Enlightenment thinking, and many modernists rejected religious belief.

#Major characteristics of Modernism :-• Using words as parts of speech that they are not (nouns as adjectives, verba as nouns etc.)• Reworking traditional forms• Using disjointed structure to reflect the disfunction of western society.• Addressing inner thoughts of regular people.

1) " The Embankment" by T.E.Hulme:-

 Thomas Ernest Hume was an English critic and poet who, through his writings on art, literature and politics, had a notable influence upon modernism.He was an aesthetic philosopher and the 'father of imagine'." The Embankment is a well known poem. This poem has completed into 7 lines. According to me, this poem says, about a men's story. He got shelter from god. Whenever he was in trouble he pray to god and need shelter. Here we find falling of man and his lust from god. He was maybe hopeless, don't want to do hard try or work . He urges for blanket, hide and protection.

2)." Darkness" by Joseph Campbell:-

" Darkness"
" I stop to watch a star shine in the boghole,
A star no longer, but a silver ribbon of light.
I look at it , and pass on."

t's four /4 lines Irish poem. Title itself is one of the best point to understand the poem. Darkness means the bad part of something and it's not good for human beings. So here something is 'lost' and than rise of new way of life. So, here I find existence and existentialism. So, it's deep & meaningful but, easily understand with simple language.

Key words; Darkness, soul, lost, need.
3)" Image " by Edward Store:-

Edward Augustine Sorer (1880–1944) was an English writer, translator and this poem the poet uses white moon as a symbol. To connect heart of two lovers used white moon. opposite side they can't cheat each other. We also find loneliness in it.

4.' In a Station Of The Metro '

In The entire poem is basically a single metaphor. If you were ever confused about the difference between a metaphor and simile, and the difference it can make to use one instead of the other, this is a great poem to look at. Pound could have said that the faces"look like " flower petals, which would have produced a simile. By leaving this expression out, the poem reads as if it were saying that the faces are petals. Textbook metaphor. The two images are fused into one.
The success of the comparison between the hunanhfaces and tgetflower petals depends upon making the second image seem very life like. So pound uses some intense natural imagery to describer "wet,black bough" to which the petals are attached . This image connects to our sense of sight and touch, so the reader feels like he or she could reach like a flower from a tree. He also uses some alliteration with " black" and "bough" , as if the words on the page and the images in our head were fusing together at the same time.

5). "The pool"- by Hilda Doolittle

"The Pool"
" Are you alive ?
I touch you.
You quiver like a sea-fish.
I cover you with my net.
What are you- banded one ?"

A poem written by Hilda Doolittle. Hilda "H.D." Doolittle was an American poet, novelist, and memoir, associated with the early 20th century avant-grade Imagist group of poets, including Ezra Pound and Richard Arlington. She published under the pen name H.D. This poem starts with a question. It also deals with existentialism . it is considered as one of the feature of modern literature. We can see that modern people are controlled by authority.

6. "Insouciance" by Richard Arlington

In this poem the poet presents that how people are living their life insouciance way with carelessness . They try to express their feeling in literature as poet says " I make for myself little poem" the way of living is with no excitement "in and out of the dreary trenches" but though all are walking on their path with such cheer, the reference of "white-winged Doves" is used for modern culture of living life and feeling of isolation is there.

7) Morning at the window by T. S. Eliot

This poem by T. S. Eliot and he write in London. This poem is outbreak version of World War One. He has commiserate for people and specially children, because they doesn't have enough door and clothes. He write about condition of country and so many affected people. This poem has 9 lines and it's easy to understand for me.

Key words, Basement Damp soul, Twisted faces etc.

8). " The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos :-

William Carlos Williams was an American poet and physician closely associated with modernism and imagine. In addition to his writing, Williams had a long career as a physician practicing both pediatrics and general medicine. This poem has completed into 8 lines. In this poem we find metaphors like " red wheelbarrow "and " White chicken ". It represent craftsmanship of farmer.

9 "Anecdote of the jar-wallace Stevens

This is a imaginative poem which exaggerate the picture of jar. Poet placed that jar upon hill, jar reminds us the Grecian urn of Keats. Poets sing the glory of the jar and also ask the question that which is superior ' a work of art or nature?'.

10) " l " by E.E.Cummings:-

"l "
" l ( a...( a leaf falls on loneliness)
l ( a
Edward Estlin "E. E." Cummings, often styled as e e cumming, as he is attributed in many of his published works, was an American poet, painter, essayist, author, and playwright. it contains only four words -a leaf falls loneliness. It gives feelings of loneliness.

Thank you......

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