Saturday, October 5, 2019

Thinking activity on " The waste Land " poem.

  • Thinking activity on " The waste Land " poem.

The waste Land is a poem by T.S. Eliot, widely regarded as one of the most alternating narrations, in which vignettes of several characters address those themes experimentally. It was published in 1922. It was very complicated poem to read. Eliot has take many references, characters, languages, scenes and images. Eliot has done use of enjambment. 

Poem's structure divided into five sections :-
1. The Burial of the Dead
2. A game of chess
3. The fire sermon
4. Death by water
5. What the Thunder said.
1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling my tho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Eliot stands for Regressive, backward looking as it tries to find answers of contemporary malaise in Upanishads, Buddhism and Christianity.
On the other side Nietzsche stands for progressive and forward looking, in giving solution to the problem of contemporary crises in faith and self.
In compared to Nietzsche's thought, yes Eliot is regressive but it doesn't mean that he only rises question on his contemporary society, he also tries to give way of solution rather than the answers. Cycle of time always moving and when History start repeating one must have to look back and try to learn that what are mistakes our ancestor did and now when time comes to us how we will deal with it?
It is certain and right that new questions's answer we couldn't find in Upanishads, Buddhism and Christianity but the way of living,understanding towards any situation one can develop.
So we can conclude that it is also right that problems of contemporary crisis' solution is in faith and self but, the level of faith and understanding of self must be necessary. It comes from reading of myth-historical and religious thought. Eliot achieved that universality of thought.

2) Prior to the speech, Gustaf Hellström of the Swedish Academy made these remarks:

T.S. Eliot and S. Freud

According to my opinion Free vent to the repressed primitive instinct will automatically leads towards anarchy. We don't create disorganization in the community and world. Here in the epic poem I think Eliot has powerful ideas rather than Sigman froed. Another thing is that We all are lives our lives with specific perspective, with discipline and with moral rituals. Although life became more appropriate and enjoyable. Thus here i don't agree with idea of Freud.

3) Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

- Here I found some Indian thought in ' The Waste Land'; in part no ; 3 The fire sermon its title which Eliot has taken it from Buddha's. It connected with Buddha. And then Then spoke the thunder
Datta means to give: not only charity but giving oneself for some novel cause
Dayadhvam means sympathise – empathise yourself with the sorrows and suffering of others
Damyata means Self Control, control over one’s
passions and desires
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih
So Eliot has taken reference from many languages and from many writer and culture. So it is a mixture of all this thing. Here Eliot try to connected this all things and also try to deal with universal idea of world.

Thank you.......

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